This is a reply i received from UK Power Networks. This is the first one that has given an answer to so many questions:
Calculation of the size of the SSEG
Some installers appeared to mis-understand the rating of the SSEG as it should be reported on the G83 form. What is required is the maximum output from the SSEG, not the total rating of the solar panels. The calculation should be done, as follows:
• Add the total rating of all of the solar panels. Call this SP_Rating.
• Identify the efficiency of the inverter. Some inverters have charts showing how the efficiency varies with the DC Input Voltage, and other factors, and some just state an 'Average Efficiency'. Call this Inverter_Efficiency.
• Multiply the two figures (i.e. SP_Rating x Inverter_Efficiency). Call this Output_1.
• Compare Output_1 with the maximum rated output of the Inverter. Take the smaller figure. This is the SSEG output which should be reported.
Consider the following worked example:
7 solar panels rated at 235 Watts each, with a Sunny Boy 1200, (rated at 1200 Watts)
7 x 235 = 1645 Watts (SP_Rating)
Inverter Efficiency = 92% (Inverter_Efficiency).
SP_Rating x Inverter_Efficiency = Output_1.
1645 x 92% = 1513.4 Watts (Output_1)
Compare Output_1 (1513.4 Watts) with the rated output of the Sunny Boy 1200 (1200 Watts), and take the smaller figure, which is 1200 Watts.
Our guidance for installers is:
Here is our standard advice to new installers.
The first point to note is that G83 has a fixed upper limit of 16 Amps per phase at 240 Volts (3.84kW), which doesn't quite extend to the 4kW of the first band of the Feed-In Tariff. However, many installers, in talking to customers, who want to hear a big number, refer to the size of the installation according to the DC output of the Solar Panels, whereas we as a Distribution Network Operator, are concerned with the AC Output from the inverter. Please see the explanation below on how to calculate the output to record on the G83 form.
I've attached the G83 Commissioning Notification Form. This should be completed and sent no more than 30 days after completion of a G83 Installation. Although we don't insist that Installers use our form, we find it helps to ensure that the correct information is recorded.
You may find the following helpful in filling in the form
Information required by the form
See the following table. (Most items are self explanatory. Items which require more explanation are in bold.)
Line What is required
Customer supply number (MPAN) The MPAN is on every Customer's bill. Experienced installers collect this when they accept the order.
Property address (inc. post code) The address of the property where the SSEG is installed
Telephone number The Phone Number of the site where the installation is.
Distribution Network Operator (DNO) The name of the company who distribute electricity to the property
* See more information below.
SSEG owner The Customer's Name
Contact person The person who is to be contacted. For domestic installations, this will be the same as the SSEG Owner.
Contact telephone number The Customer's Phone Number.
Manufacturer and model type For PV and Wind Turbines, this relates to the Inverter
Serial number of SSEG For PV and Wind Turbines, this relates to the Inverter
Serial number / version numbers of software
(where appropriate) For PV and Wind Turbines, this relates to the Inverter
SSEG rating (Amps, Volts and power factor or kW - under normal running conditions) 1 This is the AC output from the Inverter.
* See below on how to calculate this
Number of Phases connected to the generation How many phases is the inverter connected to?
Maximum peak short circuit current (Amps at 240V AC) Some inverters indicate that they can deliver a greater output than their maximum rating for a very short period of time.
Type of prime mover and fuel source (For PV, state PV) For PV State "PV"; for Wind Turbines, state "Wind Turbine"
Location of SSEG within the installation 2 For PV and Wind Turbines, this relates to the Inverter
Location of multi pole isolator For PV and Wind Turbines, this relates to the Inverter
Installer The name of the company with the MCS Accreditation
Accreditation/Qualification Usually MCS
Address (including post code) The address of the company
Contact person The person in the company to talk to
Telephone Number The phone number of the person in the company to talk to
Fax Number The Fax number of the person in the company to talk to
E-mail address The email address of the person in the company to talk to
Final copy of circuit diagram Tick box to indicate that the information is provided
SSEG Test Report (Appendix 4) or web address if appropriate (not necessary if already provided e.g. under a Stage 2 connection) Tick box to indicate that the information is provided
Computer print out (where possible)
or other schedule of protection settings Tick box to indicate that the information is provided.
Electricity meter(s) make and model: On the existing meter
Calculation of the size of the SSEG
Some installers appeared to mis-understand the rating of the SSEG as it should be reported on the G83 form. What is required is the maximum output from the SSEG, not the total rating of the solar panels. The calculation should be done, as follows:
• Add the total rating of all of the solar panels. Call this SP_Rating.
• Identify the efficiency of the inverter. Some inverters have charts showing how the efficiency varies with the DC Input Voltage, and other factors, and some just state an 'Average Efficiency'. Call this Inverter_Efficiency.
• Multiply the two figures (i.e. SP_Rating x Inverter_Efficiency). Call this Output_1.
• Compare Output_1 with the maximum rated output of the Inverter. Take the smaller figure. This is the SSEG output which should be reported.
Consider the following worked example:
7 solar panels rated at 235 Watts each, with a Sunny Boy 1200, (rated at 1200 Watts)
7 x 235 = 1645 Watts (SP_Rating)
Inverter Efficiency = 92% (Inverter_Efficiency).
SP_Rating x Inverter_Efficiency = Output_1.
1645 x 92% = 1513.4 Watts (Output_1)
Compare Output_1 (1513.4 Watts) with the rated output of the Sunny Boy 1200 (1200 Watts), and take the smaller figure, which is 1200 Watts.
Generation up to 3.84kW Per Phase
You need to note that G83 allows for up to 16 Amps per phase at 240V AC (i.e. 3.84kW), and there is no flexibility to exceed 16 Amps per phase under G83.
Submitting G83 Notifications
The G83 form needs to be accompanied by a copy of the G83 Compliance certificate of the Inverter and a Schematic Diagram of the installation.
Our preferred method of receiving G83 registrations is by email to the address on the form. When G83 Registrations are made by email, it is sufficient to type your name as your signature.
A key item of information for the registration is the MPAN, which is on the Customer's electricity bill. Experienced installers collect this information when the customer places the order.
There is a useful webpage to identify the DNO from the MPAN at:
Meter Point Administration Number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Generation between 3.84kW and 4.00kW Per Phase
If you are considering an installation which is between 3.84 and 4kW, then you will need to Apply for permission to connect this generation. Please complete our G83 Application form, making plain that this is for a single installation, and send it to the email address or the Fax number:
[email protected] Fax: 08456 500248
The Application from is available at:
The application needs to be accompanied by a Location Map.
Larger Generation
For larger generation, please contact me again for guidance on how to connect generation which is in excess of 4kW per phase.