I am going to disagree with most people who have replied.
I was a BNI member for about 2 years, made some really goodcontacts that I still get regular work from and frankly made around 15 grand inthe time I was involved, the chapter I was involved in was not all that big or,all that successful but I put a bit of effort in and did ok….not as well assome. BNI takes a lot of effort and takes a while before you start seeing thefruits of your labour. One point worth noting, if it’s a small chapter of lessthan about 23 its really difficult, but the bigger the group the easier it is.If you can join a large group I would say go for it, if you can out the effortin you will make money and contacts, 18 months since I left as a member and I amstill making money indirectly because of the contacts I made while I was amember.
I still visit Groups as a substitute about once per month,and would still be a member if I could commit the time in the mornings.
Hope this helps.