This guy has consistently belittled the UK electrical trade although not in the UK. I can assure everyone the US is no role model.
i have in no way belitteled the electrical trade of the uk except in your own eyes
for christ sakes ive been trying to adopt them for our own shop
maybe this might clear things up a bit
I should have posted in my introduction that I was seeking information to improve the safety procedures and training for my apprentices because in the facilities ive worked in and been sent to assist Ive found training to be varied and too inconsistant!
many of the different schools ive researched have also been unsatisfactory due to no set standards for training.
our codes govern the construction and installation requirements but does not have any set of standards to follow when it pertains to testing or training procedures.
this is one of the things I'm trying to change!
our inspectors verify that the materials are installed to comply with the code regulations but do not require meter readings for proof that the circuits are installed correctly ( the few that ive worked with were very pleased with our guys providing them with meter results IR.,earth resistance, circuit impedance, etc.)
i myself am nearing retirement but when i do retire i want to leave my crew a highly trained and safety concientious unit!
I do not want to have to investigate an accidental injury or death ever again and i do not want to have to tell a widow or parents that their loved one died from their own stupid mistakes
if we have a set standard of testing and training procedures that must be strictly followed, there can be no question whether a panel, circuit, or alarm system is safe and complient with code.
so im not trying to change another countries regs or interfere with them at all, the ones i,m trying to change are here in my own country and hopefully for the better!
Using the UK.procedures for proving a circuit de-energized are far superior than what we are used to (in the time since my shop and crew started using UK procedures electrical incidents such as shocks and incidental short circuits have dropped to zero)
and now no one in my shop ever works live circuits (with exception of reading current or voltage) L.O.T.O. is considered a law in my shop
so if anyone feels insulted by me posting here I apologize for it
regardless of all the slagging ive been getting I honestly do value your knowledge and skills far more than you realise
as seniors and masters it is our duty to pass on the knowledge we have and guide those up and coming young people in the right direction (this is why I am trying to get the changes made in our code system and our training and testing procedures)
and what better model to use but those used in the UK.
if you have a problem with someone seeking knowledge for safety's sake then you have a problem that only you can work out