Recently started with a firm and have been put on new build apartments which is late into 2nd fix stage. I terminated an MK 12 way split rcd board today, the supply is a 3 core SWA 25 mm glanded at each end and banjos bolted and starpped. I was arguing with 2 sparks, one who has ran the job, as to why there was a seperate 10 mm earth ran to the board... No its not a bond. I said "is that not overlill as you already have one of the 25mm cores and the armour". They both said the main boss wasnt happy they had only put 10 mm in and wanted 16mm in??? They then went onto say its a new reg.... I didnt want to argue as only recently started so not wanting to step on toes etc... Surely theres no reg stating a sepereate conductor needs to be ran in as they have here?