Shall i jump in here, on this debate?? ...No i just can't be arsed!!
Save to say, that anyone here that has little to no experience of installing TT systems shouldn't be discouraged from creating the best system they can, by those that won't have a bad word said about the numbty 200 ohm Ra because it's stated in BS7671!!! This forum should be encouraging/promoting these and other electricians to install decent ''Working'' TT systems, when and wherever possible, and not telling them to stop at 200 ohms or whatever, cause that's what it Say's in their bible!!
Most of the rods sold and installed in the UK to electricians are in fact these useless 3/8'' twigs, that can't even be extended, these things have just got to be got rid of Full Stop!! When i first came into this game, Rods were all extendable 6 and 10 footers by 5/8 or 3/4''. to this day i've never actually seen a 1.2m rod of any size and i've probably be responsible for putting more rods in the ground over the years (well over 400 on my present project alone) than anyone else here.!!
One last word, what would any of you rather have, a coupled stable 30 ohm rod or a 200 ohm unstable single rod?? It's a real no-brainer isn't it?? lol!!!