Hello and thankyou in advance for reading this thread.
I have a problem which is completely beyond my experience but if I don't try to help a lot of elderly people are going to go through hell.
There is a 5 storey building of retirement flats in Ramsgate built by McCarthy and Stone in 2004, It was equiped with a single, cheap and cheerful, lift from Orona of Spain.
The lift is currently maintained by Otis who are contracted to Housing 21 who manage the building.
The lift fails on a weekly basis but no body is prepared to say why other than it seems to be a heat related problem in the plant room. This has been going on for 5 months.
I have just been to a meeting held by Housing 21 who are talking about a £60,000 refit program that will take the lift out of service for 8 weeks.
An 'independent' lift consultant has been paid to do a VISUAL inspection of the lift. Hardly surprisingly they didn't come to any conclusion other than the lift was underated for the job it has to do. ( at 90 starts per hour).
Does anyone have any experience of diagnosing problems with Electra Vitoria VVVF motor and control sets?
The point here is that the lift worked OK for 5 years and now it fails more and more. I believe that we are being railroaded into a hugely expensive and drastically inconvenient refurb because that's what is easiest for the suits who don't live there or have to pick up the tab.
How long would it take to do a like for like swap on the motor and control box - it's only a 450kg lift.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can shed light on the true issues please reply.
All the Best
Unfortunately you get what you pay for. Cheap usualy means short life cycle. I am a consultant and one of my specific skills is identifying faults on lifts, not all consultants have this ability. I have inspected numerous lifts of this manufacture and in most instances remedials works have been necessary to over come the problem. It may not require a full replacement it may require a modernisation taking into account BS5655 part 11 or 12, EN 81-70 and EN81-80. It is also possible to carry out modernisation works where the lift is only take out of service for a short period of time. It is possible to install temporary means to move the tenants up and down the stairs.
Hope this assists