I've been doing some shopfitting over the last couple of years.
running out of FP200 gold on a friday afternoon, where else are you going to get sort of cable
I had to supply them with copies of my quals to get an electricfix account.
A landlord I do work for also has an account though. And he couldn't wire a plug!
No branches here so all done through the interweb and phone calls. He hasn't sent off fake quals or anything, he phoned up and they gave him an account!maybe he bought the branch manager a pint or two?
you need to have a JIB card, be a member of Elesca, Napit or NICEIC to join electrofix / plumbfix
All I did was fill out the online application, got a emai a couple of days later saying could i provide more information regarding qualifications. Sent a email giving them relevant info and now have a account there.
Reply to the thread, titled "Electricfix" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.