The Government's underwriting of Nuclears liabilities is also a massive public subsidy akin to the UK government having limited BP's liabilities in oil drilling to £160 million, with the UK government left to pick up the rest of the tab for cleaning up any mess. If BP can be left to fund it's own liabilities why should nuclear not be?
well, not on it's own it isn't, but then neither is nuclear on it's own.
It will be no different to how this government is funding the new schools and calling them acadimies, they aren't! There is no government money used to build these new schools it's all from corporate investment, private funds and mortgaged back to the government over the next x years. Nuclear investment will be the same. Buy now pay later. H.P power!
Im not saying nuclear on its own is the cure all, but it has it's place as does PV, Wind, Hydro and all other forms or renewable but not in SSEG. (Trust me I wish it wasn't the case) The dependence on fossil fuels has to be reduced but there are also other forms such as gas from landfill, farm effluent and biomass but when looking at these it's hand in pocket with the big six!
If we ever got to the same stage as the German model (which will not happen at the current rates on FITs) then yes SSEG will make a marked impact but with the newer rates and the EPC I just can't see the PV market being as strong. There has to be a bigger ageander which is beyond economic climate. The government tells us they are the greenest government yet but then wipes a renewable industry off the balance sheet. Our dependence on electrical energy will increase and at rates beyond what we can deliver so where is it going to come from? If not nuclear at a large % then I don't know what else can do it.
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