I fitted two GJD opal xl PIR's and no matter what i do the lights controlled by these come on randomly during the day no matter how i set them or turn power on and off and ideas?
Hi, Was interested to see this forum as I also have this problem but I am using the GJD Emerald controller and the lights still come on during the day. Any help would be gratefully received as this has been puzzling us for months and we've tried all the different settings possible. HELP!
Are you getting any voltage fluctuations?
you not try replacing it?? ring tech line
Have replaced the control unit and it's still doing it. Have 4 PIRs attached to it.
it is mateisthat a wee screw to adjust???
Yep, done that. It made no difference where we set the level on all 4 detectors the lights still came on.have you adjusted the lux levels in the opals,or check for walk test mode
Yep, done that. It made no difference where we set the level on all 4 detectors the lights still came on.
So where should it be?
It's on 3 at the moment.
Have not checked for this however what would this signify?
If your getting voltage fluctuations enough to make the unit drop out and then believe it is on start up again, this could be your problem.
Reply to the thread, titled "External 12v PIR sensor problem" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.