I have just gone through the definitions section of the brb, there is NO R[SUB]N[/SUB] defined, nor is there an R[SUB]n[/SUB].
Allowing for the fact that I have tried to use the subscripts, though it does not always work, and I'm not querying or criticising on the lack or otherwise of the subscript in your post, I understand the terms you use, but they are not defined in BS7671, or its associated guidance as I can remember.
In GN3 the term r[SUB]n[/SUB] is defined.
There is a big difference between r1+r2 & R1+R2.
Perhaps I did not explain myself when it comes to the way I used the term measured.
For a radial circuit, as installed, you can directly measure the R1+R2 values at the electrically extreme point of the circuit.
For a ring circuit, you can not directly measure the R1+R2 value as installed, you have to to some trickery with the wiring to get you this value do you not, which will always give the highest value at a spur.
You can only ever get r1, r2 & rn on a ring circuit by the way they are defined in GN3.
They don't appear any of them in the definitions section of BS7671, nor do they appear on the associated model forms.
Excluding Amd1 for the moment.
Does that clarify my post and standpoint?
I think you are making mountains out of mole hills on this one.
I really don't want to start explaining the differences between BS 7671, GN3 and best working practices and the reasons for them. I was simply giving the answers to the OP, as to weather I consider the data required on a schedule of test results to be gospel is not on debate here.
My answer to the OP still stands as far as I am concerned, please feel free to answer the OP yourself then maybe we can see where this difference of opinion is coming from.