Not sure where your all getting your information from, as to plug top/FCU fuse protection. Fuses within these accessories are there purely to protect the flexible cable connected to them. Protecting the equipment in any way is purely coincidental!!
If the manufacturer of an appliance requires a form of OL device to protect components within an appliance, then it should be provided by the manufacture. So in essence, the installation circuit wiring is protected by a suitable rated MCB, Fuse etc, located in the CU/DB. Appliances with a manufactures factory fitted lead/flex with a fusible plug top or is connected to the power source via a fusible connection unit, the fuse is protecting the lead flex, ...Not the appliance!!
If the manufacturer of an appliance requires a form of OL device to protect components within an appliance, then it should be provided by the manufacture. So in essence, the installation circuit wiring is protected by a suitable rated MCB, Fuse etc, located in the CU/DB. Appliances with a manufactures factory fitted lead/flex with a fusible plug top or is connected to the power source via a fusible connection unit, the fuse is protecting the lead flex, ...Not the appliance!!