I never judge a book by it's cover, I normally look inside and have a butchers at the preface. Unfortunately in your case, there is no information about your qualifications in your profile, hence me asking.
And I was only asking, as often persons post here, seeking a step by step guide to carry out electrical work. As you state you are qualified, you will have the knowledge, experience and suitable tools and test equipment.
You have confused me about who installed the cable; you state it was installed by a 'commercial spark', but in #19, referring to the csa of the swa, you said ' it was four years ago I ran it'. Normally any notifications to LBC are done when the work is completed and fully tested, you don't have to notify to run a length of cable?
My concern is genuine though. Of late I have seen far too many poor and unsafe electrical installations, carried by persons who were not or should not be deemed to be competent.