Resurrecting this one purely to inform you all that a fault on the 'feed' side of RCD spur can cause it to trip! I went back to the wholesalers a good few weeks back and got a replacement RCD spur. Wired it up this week and it still instantaneously trips. I decided to test my installation AGAIN! By disconnecting it at the socket I spurred from in the house and disconnected all loads in the shed. Carried out Continuity L-N L-E N-E, none present. Continuity of earth neutral line all around 0.4ohms... IR all good...
Cut a long story short there was voltage present in the cpc of downstairs ring, which if RCD's were present in CU would not be allowed to run under normal operating conditions. Therefore tripping the RCD in the shed that I'm trying to install!
I've told him to get the council round to test and inspect, judging by the age of the consumer unit he will probably end up with a rewire as he is now receiving electric shocks when he stands on the grass outside the door of his shed whilst reaching for the metal clad socket I have installed next to what would be an rcd (but is just a junction box atm). Obviously due to the potential difference between the socket and the ground outside.
Was quite funny watching him demonstrate how he gets the shock (standing on the grass with no shoes on and even funnier watching him try to get one (after explaining the science) when standing in the shed itself (insulated from the ground)!