According to the Poll results on this site, electricians are in general a bunch of racists. I myself was a fan of the BNP, but when they changed their criteria on Britishness, I lost all respect for them. Now you must be born here to be considered British. What about English ex-pats ? Are they not British anymore ? What about their children that were born in another country, but still hold British Citizenship ? Are they not real Brits anymore ? But the Asylum Seeker who cannot even speak proper English, whose children were born here, are British.
But if they told the truth, plain and simple, they dont like foreigners ( we all know what that means ) it would not be acceptable to the majority. So they changed their criteria of what it means to be British.
I think you should only be considered British by descent, meaning at least one of your parents must have been British. ( no matter where you were born )
By the way, I am not British myself, not even by descent. ( I was not born here either )
I am one of the hated foreigners, stealing your jobs, not that there is much to steal lately !
But my English is pretty good, dont you think ???