The Green Deal Finance Company (GDFC) has today confirmed that initial interest rate for finance packages available under the Green Deal energy efficiency scheme will stand at 6.96 per cent.
The underlying rate means that when operating fees are taken into account indicative interest rates on a financing package of £5,000 will range from 7.67 per cent to 7.96 per cent depending on the duration of the loan.
The company said that due to the fixed costs associated with the administration fees households and businesses would get a better rate of interest if they undertook a wider range of building improvements.
For example, a Green Deal package of £1,500 that only undertook basic insulation would result in a maximum interest rate of 9.34 per cent, but a wider package of measures worth £5,000 would result in an annual interest rate of 7.96 per cent over 10 years or 7.67 per cent over 25 years.
Breaking: Green Deal Finance Company confirms 6.96 per cent interest rate - 25 Jan 2013 - News from BusinessGreen