DJ Ovengloves
How is having two years experience and being clueless better than a Electrical Trainee and being clueless better from the poor customers perspective?
i have passed lvl 1 2 & 3 2300 and have two years previous on site experience
If he wanted or needed to join a scheme,they would be falling over themselves to sign up someone with qualifications that don't hardly compare with his haul![]()
He has 2 years on site experience.![]()
How many posts are seen on this forum by fast trackers, almost begging to be given a chance of starting out on the road of experience,experience incidentally which he first trod 2 years ago![]()
He is a late stage apprentice electrician.he is not a couple of weeks chancer
He is being given a rough time by some and deserves none of it
How often are entrants to this trade derided because they do their training on fast track courses,yet here we have a traditionally trained
electrician apprentice being scolded for stretching his wings
Good luck to him,I say,he has the experience to know if he has the experience