Slightly OT, but is the 200mm requirement before you need planning permission measured from the roof to the underside or top surface of the panel?
@billybee, slates cannot be lifted either to install brackets, they have to be ripped out, slots cut out, flashing installed and secured with hooks. Yours look like Eternit or silimar which tbh is the same principle as slate. The general concensus is that hanger bolts are not the best method for fixing to slate, primarily because they involve drilling a hole through every lap of slate which could lead to water ingress if over time the neoprene washer perishes or the nut beomes loose. They are designed for corrugated fibre roofs. I did try an experiment by fixing a hanger bolt to slate and running constant water over it. It didn't leak but wouldn't want to risk it over 25 years.
i beleve my roof is corrugated fibre boards, i'm not a roofer but could see what the fitted and spook a to them about it and its not slate. as to the hight i can only reach the middle panel thats on its own and its 205 to 207 mm high to the top of the panel but i sopose if needed be theres about 30mm of adjustment on the bolts so the could be lowered slightly. i'm not a fitter and wouldnt no whats best with theses type of roof boards but at the time of fitting the roof was 6 weeks old and i'm happy with the system they used, yes i relized having rubber seals on the roof long term has some risk but its the chance you have to take.
anyway the electricans coming thurs or frid to make changes and i'm going to speak to him about the loose cable. and the best option on restringing, i spoke to my son inlaw whos a cooling and heating engernier and the first think he said was this wasnt he field thou he had done some bits on inverters and oftern worked with DC. he looked at the figures and understands why it would be better with one string. but when we spoke about linking outside the inverter he couldnt see what diffrence it would make to linking in the inverter. yes on the roof due to resistance there could be a saving on vaultage loose. but saving 4 or 5 feet of wire inside would be normanal. he did say though that you lads will know more than him and there could be other considerations for joining the strings before they hit the inverter.
thanks all