If you undo it the screw comes out of the anvil the anvil doesn't raise up with it.
Yep its Aloe Vera we use it quite a lot but you're supposed to be looking at the Hilmor
Yeh in fact this one did, thats it at the bottom with the 25mm former.
Good point about less damage @westward10 I haven't yet made any marks with my other hilmor which has a brand new vise, but then I don't tighten up past what is necassary.
I was doing an installation recently involving galv, and had a wry smile at some other units doing the same. They had to tell the client they would have to use plastic conduit as they can't get the wires through, and instead of bending they used 90 degree bends to screw into, no wonder they could not get the wires through.
This can occur,when lads who have been installing sprinkler systems,do a short course,and change careers...