Posted some quiestions a few weeks ago about rubber cable as i was going to do a PIR on a house that may have some.
said i would post some pictures sorry about the quality but i was shaking to much.
I wont bore you with all the details but some high lights.
Earth clamp bolt on the earth rod had fallen apart leaving wire hanging in thin air.
No bonding
Round pin sockets mounted on skirting with wooden back boxes.
Sockets on light circuits and lights on socket circuits
ViR cable with no insulation to great you as you pulled the switch fronts forward
class one lights with no earth
Shower looped off immersion in 2.5
It does have a 16th rcd board and the scary thing is it passed the IR tests
and he doesn't what it rewired as it all works
said i would post some pictures sorry about the quality but i was shaking to much.
I wont bore you with all the details but some high lights.
Earth clamp bolt on the earth rod had fallen apart leaving wire hanging in thin air.
No bonding
Round pin sockets mounted on skirting with wooden back boxes.
Sockets on light circuits and lights on socket circuits
ViR cable with no insulation to great you as you pulled the switch fronts forward
class one lights with no earth
Shower looped off immersion in 2.5
It does have a 16th rcd board and the scary thing is it passed the IR tests
and he doesn't what it rewired as it all works