Moderators, Please. It's really not helping people to have a suggested link starred out. Why do you do this?
Absolutely, the 'behind the scenes' work that goes on here is second to none, trolls and spammers are removed very quickly and posts seem to be moderated in a very fair manner.
On a well-run, subscription-free forum, you don't really have any right to criticise sponsor policy other than to 'let your fingers do the talking' and find another forum.
If you do that over such an insignificant point of principle then it really will be your loss.
Most forums that are not aimed at small defined subjects are FOC as what would be the point of them, if a one time user wanted to ask a question, had to pay for the privilige, we would all be on here talking to each other and not what I really joined for, and that was to perhaps help others and pass on my limited knowledge and experience in the hope it helps.
So yes I do agree that sponsorship is vital in keeping this forum alive and progressing. But I would like to just cite a situation.
We had several threads lately asking about clamp meters that can detect High protective currents. I think most of us on here agree that before it had apparently become unavailalbe the Alphatex 633 was a good budget priced meter. Now I have recommended these to several other sparks, becasue we use them out here, but when I tried to link to them from our sponsor, they did not seem to do them, so was forced to link to another meter test site.
I think Test meter will attest that I always try to link to them, when they were doing an offer on Metrel MFT, and also providing a voltage indicator FOC. I pointed several posters to this.
It is a fine line between censorship and free speech, there in the above scenario is a case where we could not link to a sponsor becasue they don't supply the item, what are we to do then.
Often we ask posters to "post a pic" as it helps to identify problems, we mostly link to something becasue it shows the poster what you are talking about. I don't think any respected member would not try to promote the sponsers as it helps the forum, it's just somestimes you can't.
Just a thought, but has anyone tried to message TM about them stocking this item?? Just a idea because he has always said that he could get me my Fluke fix despite the fact that the don't stock them as a matter of course
I'm the exact opposite, I hate using the phone and therefore love eMail! The number of companies I contact, who require a phone number and then ignore my request for a response via email is very high! And what a surprise, I don't end up using them if they can't follow a simple instruction! Gah...Forget this email malarkey!!!! Just pick up that old fashioned thing called a telephone. I hate emailing companies, if they are a busy company who get lots of messages (including spam due to having their address on the web) it can sometimes get lost, takes weeks to reply etc, I normally just call them. At the end of the day, you are trying to spend your hard earned money with them so they should be happy you have called, even if they have to take 5 minutes of their time to do some research!!