And we seem to be forgetting the TIME it takes to do all of these things. Invoicing, going out to see jobs, the time it takes to do tax returns if you want to do them yourself, this is all time you have to account for. Time is money!!
Also the day it takes for the assesment, again the time it takes to prepare for an assesment. The time on the phone negotiating cheaper prices for materials. Someone has to pay for it? Unless you like working into the evenings for free.
I really cannot understand anyone not wanting to make a little on materials, its just outrageous. Again, the cut you make helps towards the time it takes for you to work out what you need, the time it takes to order it, and as mentioned, any returns that have to be dealt with. You don't walk into a shop or indeed a wholesaler and expect them to be selling you materials at no profit?
Luckily with the discounts we get on materials, we usually invoice materials out for less than trade price. You should see the smile on my face when a clueless customer requests that my materials are at trade prices thinking they are negotiating a good deal!
Oh and the bank charges, theres only so many times you can change accounts, and eventually you end up paying bank charges. I had to put £2200 cash in the other day for the van I sold, I got charged nearly £13 for the transaction!!!