Try Current Cost Daisy Chain CT Sensor Jaw pack of two | eBay UK at £16.50p!Paul,
You have hit the nail on the head. One installer (AshadeGreener) fitted a seperate fuseboard and then linked it to the grid via new meter tails and a henley block(mother's house). When i had my solar panels fitted the installers (Homesun) they went directly into my existing fuseboard. (this was quickly changed) Both methods are correct according to th IEE regs.
This forum is about using the surplus available power and using it in an immersion heater. I have just elected to keep my existing immersion heater 3Kw and use a off the shelf controller to run it.
A 2.5 Kw controller is as little as £50
Plc is about £100
CT's are about £70 Pair (probably find cheaper) need them to be 4 - 20ma or 0 - 10v Dc output
Dont suppose anyone know how i can reduce this cost (CT's) ??
I use these and they are quite good.