Don't let Markythesparky confuse you ... I don't know why he has put each circuit requires its 'OWN' cpc as this isn't the case If he's under that impression then maybe he can show the REG' where he gets this from, conduit, trunking, steel wire armouring in a sub main supply can all be part of an earth return for multiple circuits.... re-read my previous post ive explained clearly and also reasons why you cant borrow the cpc like you suggested from an adjacent final circuit.
I certainly wouldn't use trunking as my earth return for a 500kva gen! They also don't allow armor (steel bit) to be used as a CPC anymore it has to be separate conductor (client based).
Run everything in the same size it has supplied to it to a big earth bar on the wall. Run the largest size +50% for earthing goodness from this bar to the main earth at the incoming DB - job done.
All your trunking and tray ect will be earthed from the main board or boards anyway.
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