Had a busy day today but managed to do a test on the circuit.
r1= 0.60ohms
rn= 0.61ohms
r2= 1.04ohms
Calculated R1+Rn= 0.3025ohms
Actual R1+Rn= 0.34ohms
Calculated R1+R2=0.41ohms
Actual R1+R2=0.45ohms
Insulation resistance test
Single circuit @ 250v
L-N = 0.01Mohms
L-E = >200Mohms
N-E = >200Mohms
Split the circuit and did as you said and found that it's the last run of cable between the last socket and CU but looking up the side of the boiler there is a single run of T&E leading to another fused spur but not had time to investigate it yet. At least I know where it is now.
Thanks will post what I find.
Good man - great feedback - is it the boiler supply?