it's not to do with insulation or the temperature in the house as the amount of snow on each roof is about the same. The most likely explanation is that good quality panels come with a hydrophobic coating on. this gives the panels a degree of self cleaning ability which will also reduce the adhesive force between the snow and the panel. Cheap panels either have no coating or an inferior coating. After several years in the optical industry I have seen good quality coatings and bad ones (from the opticians you shouldn't have gone to mostly!) and there is a considerable difference between the two. A good quality coating requires a high level of technical expertise and expensive equipment.
This is one of the things you pay for on a better quality panel
of course I may have my humble pie with ice cream if they turn out to be the same make of panel but thats my view of it.
I have noticed myself that my Sanyo HITs clear snow very well and very quickly and have never really have any snow on them when running even at low output............
EDIT:- Also when water runs off them it seems to act exactly the same as on a well WAXED car
OP, Can we safety assume the house on the right is even switched on and working, hence why I asked earlier comparison of figs at this exact point would be so interesting ??
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