On a 4kw system on similar roofs about 200 yards apart our Sanyo HIT 240w, 16 panel system at 3.84kW outperforms a Dimplex 230, 16 panel system at 3.68kW by
at least 3 units every day. Both systems installed before xmas. We did the Sanyo. Some company that claims to Save Energy did the other.
Our takes up less far roof space, is better looking in black, and our inverter is wired in 6mm twin and earth cables against their 2.5mm, our inverter is in a downstairs cupboard, theirs is in the loft.
If we are generous and use the 3 unit per day extra generation :-
Thats ÂŁ1.30 a day , or ÂŁ470 a year or ÂŁ11,862 over 25 years.
That excludes the savings on import at 3 units x 12p which is ÂŁ3285 over 25 years.
plus the import costs will rise from 12p over 25 years so Sanyo system will edge further ahead.
plus the extra 3 (deemed 1.5)units at export over 25 years is another ÂŁ410
Thats a swing in finances of over ÂŁ15K over 25 years, to the customer, between fitting average and top range modules.
No brainer, we recommend Sanyo and so do our customers.
Customer testimonials | NGPS energy saving in Poole