I’ve just replaced a faulty 63A double pole isolator supplying a feed to a consumer unit several meters away to a flat.
ive come to do the notification on the niceic web page and there is no appropriate category to tick other than
circuit addition or alteration in a special locatiom
install a replacement consumer unit
partial rewire
rewire of all circiuits
install one or more new circuits
new build
unless I call the isolator a consumer unit ( which it isn’t) I don’t have a category.
thanks in advance.
I would have called nic but there shut now And I wanted to get this finished tonight. Any thoughts.
ive come to do the notification on the niceic web page and there is no appropriate category to tick other than
circuit addition or alteration in a special locatiom
install a replacement consumer unit
partial rewire
rewire of all circiuits
install one or more new circuits
new build
unless I call the isolator a consumer unit ( which it isn’t) I don’t have a category.
thanks in advance.
I would have called nic but there shut now And I wanted to get this finished tonight. Any thoughts.