All fine and dandy until the loop in method is used at a light with a fitting not designed to take 3 cables and you are in the same boat.
Sorry E'.....whilst historically there is much we haven't agreed on I generally take on board your points, weigh them up against my own and sometimes my thinking changes.
But on this you're wrong**edited**.
Sorry but i don't think i'm wrong at all!!
If you have a typical ceiling 3 plate system and a fitting that can't accommodate the connections, then simply do what has been done for bloody years, only now is even easier, use a line or wago joint box!! Let's face it, you'll be using something similar for any recessed lighting you'll be installing anyway!!
Nope, ...no-one will ever convince me that 3 plating at switch points as a general rule is a good thing, because it bloody well isn't!!