Hi Guys
this is getting a tad tricky now as i wont sign it off although getting pressure from the builder and his sparks, who "designed" it. The original classroom was upstairs, and had 12 cookers of varying age. some had halogen hobs ,others were , radiant rings etc.some had a rating 0f 11kw while others were 7.5kw.
So why will the loading be any different now other than a few sockets?
The original board upstairs has an 100amp TP incomer fitted and has had no problems.
So why will the new, whats changed?
When applying diversity of 100% for the first cooker then 80% for second and 60 % for the remainder you get a total load of 138amps. now couple this with fact that when arriving on site to test it the cooker panel have sockets fitted without any RCD protection , something that has now been rectified with 12 RCBOs. so we now have to apply an extra 5 amp per unit for the socket outlet.so for the 4 cookers that are on each ring we have a new loading of 158 amps per phase.
If diversity was only that straight forward. Do you think the socket outlets will be drawing 20 amp per phase continuous?
Teacher has said that they do not EVER use the top oven/grill and only 2 hobs plus oven as a max on each unit.Ok so what does one do.
That's why we apply diversity, along with cyclic loading etc.
Its a Dorman Smith DB about 12/15 years old (DBX) 6 way . They dont seem to do either a 160 or 200 amp incomer for these DBs only a 250amp.Then to cap it all we have a 25mm 4 core SWA feeding it .Yes i know its only rated at 124amps ,Not running at 70 C its not, but to back it up at the supply end is 200 amp HRCs , So where is the overload protection?
Any suggestions apart from get them to rip it out and start again))
oh!!! the clamp put a load of 87 amps for 2 cookers on full load
Initially you will, then the cycles start.
Your not the designer, so why is this falling on your shoulders?
Certainly in this environment i would be cautious over the amount of diversity, the likely hood of these cookers operating at the same time are greater, but its existing and the fact its been okay tells you a bit about the loading.
So if you use the OSG we have 25 amp including Socket. So each final circuit 32 amp. Distribuition, 4 x 25 x 0.8 diversity, so 83 Amp per phase.