Today I undone a tangled mess of cables in a enclosure it contained lighting and heating and alarm cables none with any id, after about 3 hours I had the whole lot sorted and reconnected, apart from one MICC which had the conductors exposed taped and silicon sealed as a insulation method, no really, as this had only one N connected to a live feed, and I assumed it must be a unused circuit, that is untill the publican tried to switch on a couple of florries which failed to work. After going through all I had done, I thought, surely not, but yes this was the supply to said florries, so now I need about 20 metres of 1.5 But why was this used, in the area served it is all done neatly into domed shaped flex outlets, with the MICC all glaned off proper, was this a normal practice it is in a large glasshouse used for fucntions installed in the 50's
PS anyone got a pictorial how to for MICC
PS anyone got a pictorial how to for MICC