Damn I never realized things had got that bad!
I really should pull my head out of the factory sometime and see whats going on in the world.
No disrespect to you "She" But I dont see how anyone could be deemed as competent in the space of 18 days to be a domestic sparky?
I did the full training courses 2391 en all and would not feel comfortable working in someones house.
Now its not that I would be incompetent in a electrical sense but its totally different to what I am used to.
Now theres lots of different houses, made from lots of different materials and lots of different ways of doing things and thats where you need someone to show you the ropes in terms of what you can and cant do.
You have a mentor and thats great, I hope she teaches you these kind of things but I think a 18 day to qualify course is madness!
Oh and on a side note regarding survival of the fittest....
I think Darwin never accounted for the H&S loons who protect the most stupid in society, Ya know those people who should of been hit by a bus crossing the street by now....