I started my first weeks practical last Monday and must admit I am a little disappointed. me and around 10 others arrived at Watford centre and within 30 mins of talking we got given paperwork of 2 lighting circuits (Pretend upstairs and downstairs) and had to start from scratch straight from the consumer unit in separate bays. none of us have had any experience before so as you can imagine we were staring at the ceiling scratching our heads. the tutor was about as helpful as a fart in a space suit. Hardly around to ask questions and when we did manage to ask something we might as well of not bothered. for example I got to the point of running a continuity test and not having a clue how as we have not got to that stage I asked him and all he said was go to class room and look in the book then come back and tell me how you do it. I could of done that at home. granted I feel I could repeat the 2 circuits this time around with much more confidence so I have learned something but I feel it was at no help of the tutor. each person on this course has paid around ÂŁ7500 and all the practical felt like was that we could use there facility's to give it a go. Sorry but I had to get it of my chest and don't really feel that we was getting our moneys worth. after all I do actually want to understand this subject not just pass an exam.