The correct method which is accepted/NIC guidance is to measure your r1 + r2 and from this you would calculate your Zs with the following equation Zs= (r1+r2)x1.2 + Ze, the reason being to verify polarity and most importantly it gives an accurate reading where your direct Zs measurement incorporates parrallel paths.
Hope this clears it.
Oh dear!
The NICEIC are going to take over the world - or so they'd have you believe.
Mark, contrary to what they might lead you to believe, the NICEIC do not make the rules.
A PIR is supposed to be other words, you don't really want to start pulling circuits out of CUs to measure R1 + R2.
You could create more problems within the installation than were there in the first place.
The (proper) guidance is :
R2 wander lead at
all exposed conductive parts and center pins of socket outlets.
Zs at extremity of all radials and every socket outlet.
Remember, you are proving continuity of protective conductors - no need to measure R1 + R2, although you can use 'Method 1' to confirm continuity and polarity.
Zs is obviously required to confirm disconnection times.
The only time I would actually 'measure' R1 + R2 is if, after risk assessment, I decided it was too dangerous to 'measure' Zs, and then I would use the calculated value.