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Nearly Esteemed
Nov 24, 2019
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North West
Bit of a rant first to explain the situation:-

Effing builders again, I knew there was a reason we hardly ever work for them. We've done a few jobs for one particular builder and we were on strict payment terms with him, basically if he didn't pay what was owed on the Friday then we wouldn't be back in on Monday, and this worked quite well for a while. But it isn't just the money, its his demeanour as well, he speaks like a robot constantly quoting things like due diligence, moving forward etc. Originally he is an office boy and he thought it would be easy doing the jobs he's seen from his office window because after all the thicko tradies will be easy to run rings round right?

Anyway he tried to tie us up in knots again regarding invoices, apparently he priced the job labour only and now wants me to sit down and go though every invoice and itemise price wise what we have supplied, this is going back over about six months worth of invoices. At the end of the day if I had office staff I could allocate the time to do such nonsense as this for a price but I simply haven't got time for stuff like this and all I hear for the 100th+ time is "cant you just help us out this once". This is as well as demanding that we turn up at a moments notice and prioritise him. Anyway my mate had had just that little bit too much hassle off him recently and in no uncertain terms told him to go forth and multiply so to speak.

As the actual customer seemed fine we explained the situation to them and said look if you want the job finishing (its 99% done) then you need to pay the outstanding amount of £600, maybe knock it off what you owe the builder and we will come back and put the last few switches on and sign the job off. I've already got all the test results needed to issue the cert but I will only do that once its 100% complete (and paid).

So where do we stand with this, I don't care where the £600 comes from but nothing on this earth will get me to sit at a PC and type a cert out/sign the job off unless the money is in our bank. Apparently the builder told the customer that he would get someone else in to finish the job off if necessary. I would love that as I would definitely be vindictive if someone else signed the job off, I know you can check if NIC jobs are signed off but how do you check the NAPIT side of things?

Really the moral is - don't work for builders, I've never worked for one that hasn't tried to do us over in one way or another. I wouldn't mind but this joker is 10% of our work load but 80% of the hassle we get.
A few answers to you regarding the builder.
one tell him I have made a contract with you. Pay me. Give him a notice of intent
Two, no payment,
no test certs
Three, tell his customer that you are not coming back.
If with the NIC, you must do part p the work, but don't do any paper work to hand over to the builder or the his customer.
Has for him to finish your job off, has no hell in chance, would you go and finish some body job, alarm bells will start ringing.
This was from the latest email we go from him.

So, I thought I would put these items in an e-mail to hopefully resolve;

1/ My client has exhausted their funds to complete the works & wish to carry out any variations at a later date (paid directly to yourselves). There are elements of the contract works that they wish to put on hold to use in lieu of variations they wish to complete. I am trying to be amicable to conclude the project & get paid the money that I am owed, I am caught in a position I don't want to be in but this is outside of my control

2/ I agreed with yourself that the untility room would be priced upon a days day work, at the minute I am being charged the following £210 (last invoice which has been paid in full) £210 plus £90 plus £240 this invoice this is totalling £750 for the untility plus works on the new living room including lights which haven't been completed yet.
***** was not happy with the way the utility was priced, I mentioned that he needed to take this matter up with yourself. ***** mentioned £30 per point I thought this was a way to resolve but I must have my wires crossed.

Can we pls discuss & agree the invoice then issue the certificate so that I can conclude the works & in turn final account for payment

Can one of you give me a call in the morning?

Honestly, the hassle factor is off the scale with him. Regarding the utility room he said "its minimal work, you need to move a couple of sockets and maybe add another. I told him I could do that in a day and it would probably be a couple of hundred plus bits. When my mate got there there was loads of work to do in it where they had moved walls etc.

Our invoice's for the utility states 1st fix 7 points, 2nd fix 7 points, 2nd fix 3 original points, we have supplied all the materials including half a dozen downlights, the bill for that was £510. There was also an additional invoice for £240 for work in the kitchen, the client decided they didn't want a couple of lights doing in the old kitchen but the builder said bill him the full amount anyway as it was priced anyway.

I'm not sure how he expects "moving a couple of sockets" to work out at the same price as nearly re-wiring it all and supply all the new materials. See what I mean about the hassle factor.
The good builders are few and far between and of those after some time they will quite often turn bad

Turn the tables on him and ask him what %age he is putting on your invoice before it gets to the customer

I had it many years ago we did a lot of installation work for a wireless data solutions company while they occasionally moaned at some of our pricing they would see our side when we pointed out some of the costs that pushed the price up in turn they were working for data networking companies who would have a moan about our install costs a major issue came to light on one job when the end customer asked us for a tiny addition to the job given we were pushed down slightly on price and we didn't have enough margin to do it, the customer got a bit irate and it came out how much he was being charged, the data network company had a 100% uplift on our price to diffuse the situation I agreed to look at the extra bit now knowing there was some margin to do it and contacted my customer who went ballistic when I told them how much their customer had put on the price when they had only added a few % to my price. This happened on a few other jobs that this data network company were involved with where our price was at least 100% more than we had quoted given most of the installs we did for them were quoted by us at £2.5k - £8k they were on a nice little earner for doing very little
In instances like this we work directly for client or walk away

We also do a price per item then everyone knows how much a socket or light switch costs.

The costs are standard white plastic, if client wants fancy stuff we drop £4 per item off the cost and they buy the shiny sockets etc
I will never contract out to any other builder again, I price a job on a extension
Many moons ago, I price the job for the builder on the behalf his customer his customer to pay me in the end , price was for pvc gear, and the customer wanted metel fronts like the previous spark when he rewired it, we wanted metel fronts.
No pvc look at the contract.
Next thing builder can you do the same price for metel fronts, yes but will cost more, you tell your customer, he wants the same fronts, where did the last one get them from, orange house, don't do them any more, so it will cost him to source from some body else, comprandy.
I'm more annoyed about how much time its costing me more than the money at this stage, I wouldn't mind but my mate is dealing with it mostly. He is prepared to go back and forth a million times with messages between himself and the client/builder but that's up to him, however he keeps ringing me telling me about any updates and I'm not that interested, I just want my money and if it notin the bank by the end of the day the test results are going in the shredder and I'll just block their numbers. Life is too short, especially when I've got my head under my floorboards trying to install my extension plumbing so I can have heating and hot water tonight and the phone is going every 30 minutes.
The good builders are few and far between and of those after some time they will quite often turn bad

Turn the tables on him and ask him what %age he is putting on your invoice before it gets to the customer

I had it many years ago we did a lot of installation work for a wireless data solutions company while they occasionally moaned at some of our pricing they would see our side when we pointed out some of the costs that pushed the price up in turn they were working for data networking companies who would have a moan about our install costs a major issue came to light on one job when the end customer asked us for a tiny addition to the job given we were pushed down slightly on price and we didn't have enough margin to do it, the customer got a bit irate and it came out how much he was being charged, the data network company had a 100% uplift on our price to diffuse the situation I agreed to look at the extra bit now knowing there was some margin to do it and contacted my customer who went ballistic when I told them how much their customer had put on the price when they had only added a few % to my price. This happened on a few other jobs that this data network company were involved with where our price was at least 100% more than we had quoted given most of the installs we did for them were quoted by us at £2.5k - £8k they were on a nice little earner for doing very little
At least he has been open about that one, he pockets 20% of our cost allegedly. Or as he puts it in his office speak "It's costings plus 20% markup on your labour and material rates" or something equally as boring.
Another email has just come through.

Hope your both well, can I ask that either of you contact me to discuss my e-mail below so that we can amicably resolve to complete the project & sign off.

If we cannot resolve this & or make contact, I will have no alternative but to appoint another electrician to complete the works & sign off. This is an Avenue which I would rather avoid as I feel it is unnecessary as this can simply be avoided through communication.

Please note that I need to get these matters resolved & signed off by the end of this week either preferably through yourselves failing that a third party

I don't think he gets it at all, the only possible way he will get a cert off me is to deposit the money in the bank, nothing else in the world will make me do one otherwise. Where is something clear and concise I can send him that explains that signing off someone else's work is illegal and could get them thrown out of the NIC or NAPIT. Not that anyone with any sense would do that anyway unless they were a close and trusted friend.

All I would have to do would be to go on the NIC website in a few months and check whether the job was signed off or not, if it was then I could make life very difficult for them indeed, why would you risk it.
Decide... do you want to work for him ever again. Could you get work from the client or their friends .One of them will be happy . work with that one !
Decide... do you want to work for him ever again. Could you get work from the client or their friends .One of them will be happy . work with that one !
That ship has well sailed. We wont ever do another job for the builder, I can't cope with the hassle. As for his client, my mate has been back and done a few things for him as extras but I wasn't interested as I think he will be awkward about paying, not sure if my mate has been paid yet or not.

I'm very choosy about who I work for nowadays, certainly no more site work and I only pick who I think are the decent customers now. Its great not having a mortgage and low(ish) bills.
Really the moral is - don't work for builders,
I feel your pain Oscar, I have been telling people on here for 10 years not to work for builders and I hate them.
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Worked with plenty of builders over the years, but only ever worked for one. Always let me get on with it my way, using my designs, and paid up promptly when I presented them with my invoice.
Only odd thing was the cheques I received were genuinely from an account in the name of Messrs Bodgitt & Scarper.
Let's be upfront here, although I understand your frustration here there are certain directions you should not go down, although it may work in some cases it could come back to bite you on the rear hard.

You cannot use the issue of a completion certificate or similar as a bartering tool for payment, works are not formally completed until the cert' has been issued and anyone clued up can refuse payment until you issue it, you are going down the road of blackmail for payment and that does not hold well in court so be cautious regardless if you have any agreement in place, if your contractor takes this route of refusing until you issue it can be several months before you see any money which often you financially lose out on in court appearances, solicitors fees etc.
Ensure work and payment terms are in writing, it is always best to agree a 28 day payment terms when subbing to another contractor, this gives room for admin work and any queries to be resolved, if you are working direct for the client/customer then payment terms can be agreed on completion and issue of certification which is common in domestic work direct with home owner.
I would recommend if you have no adequate cash flow to wait for payment to work with your bank, they too will want your business to be a success and they often open you up to overdraft allowance in case you need room to build up some financial resources.

I went through this myself when I started and wish I had the experience of what I know now, contractual work is usually as mentioned is open to a 28day payment window as you do if you have an account with your wholesalers, be cautious though always find out the payment terms in advance if working for another company and not direct with a member of the public, many mid to larger firms do payments anything from 4 to 12 weeks, that has caught me out a number of times with new customers, there is nothing more embarrassing than asking to be paid earlier after the matter.
Let's be upfront here, although I understand your frustration here there are certain directions you should not go down, although it may work in some cases it could come back to bite you on the rear hard.

You cannot use the issue of a completion certificate or similar as a bartering tool for payment, works are not formally completed until the cert' has been issued and anyone clued up can refuse payment until you issue it, you are going down the road of blackmail for payment and that does not hold well in court so be cautious regardless if you have any agreement in place, if your contractor takes this route of refusing until you issue it can be several months before you see any money which often you financially lose out on in court appearances, solicitors fees etc.
Ensure work and payment terms are in writing, it is always best to agree a 28 day payment terms when subbing to another contractor, this gives room for admin work and any queries to be resolved, if you are working direct for the client/customer then payment terms can be agreed on completion and issue of certification which is common in domestic work direct with home owner.
I would recommend if you have no adequate cash flow to wait for payment to work with your bank, they too will want your business to be a success and they often open you up to overdraft allowance in case you need room to build up some financial resources.

I went through this myself when I started and wish I had the experience of what I know now, contractual work is usually as mentioned is open to a 28day payment window as you do if you have an account with your wholesalers, be cautious though always find out the payment terms in advance if working for another company and not direct with a member of the public, many mid to larger firms do payments anything from 4 to 12 weeks, that has caught me out a number of times with new customers, there is nothing more embarrassing than asking to be paid earlier after the matter.
That's in an ideal world though, I would never give anyone more credit than I could afford to lose, so if I say the client won't get the certs until I'm paid then if he/she never pays hthey never gets the certs, its that simple. I would never capitulate or compromise my terms just for the money, its the principle.
Yes, agree it's not an ideal world but the post was cautionary and advisory, the certificate is part of the work and until it is handed over there is a position for the customer or company to deny payment regardless if they are dragging their heels for other reasons, like I said it sometimes does work but you are on the wrong side of the legal system in doing so hence be very cautious of using this method, regardless of why the customer/contractor isn't paying all they have to say to a judge on the day is that you have not completed the work as you have not handed over the certificate thus they have not paid, the court will likely side with them as you didn't follow procedure, the few times you are in a position to not complete the work or down tools is if you're in interim payments for the work and completion is not a requirement to receive the stage payments, this is a situation of a few where you are legally justified to take such actions.
There are other methods but require a paper trail of the appropriate steps been taken and forewarnings where you can enter the premises and reclaim your materials, again the legal system allows certain time for responses and chances to pay, this probably doesn't help either which is why we see so many in the trade in this situation especially when they start up, like I said it is a frustrating curve to go through and I have full sympathy as been there, done that and got the sticker.
I got the attitude from my old boss, cant remember (years and years ago) the details but some customer rang up ranting and raving about how he wasn't going to pay for this and that after one of the electricians had been round to do some work. My boss just put the phone down on him mid rant and turned round to me and said "we won't ever be going back there again", I said what about all the work we have done and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "not interested". He was of course in a position to be not bothered about a couple of grand or whatever it was though, he used to walk round with a Netto carrier bag full of cash after the days shop takings.

I always though from that day forward, I need to be just like him and have enough money tucked away not to let idiots affect my life in any way.
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Let's be upfront here, although I understand your frustration here there are certain directions you should not go down, although it may work in some cases it could come back to bite you on the rear hard.

You cannot use the issue of a completion certificate or similar as a bartering tool for payment, works are not formally completed until the cert' has been issued and anyone clued up can refuse payment until you issue it, you are going down the road of blackmail for payment and that does not hold well in court so be cautious regardless if you have any agreement in place, if your contractor takes this route of refusing until you issue it can be several monthse you see any money which often you financially lose out on in court appearances, solicitors fees etc.
Ensure work and payment terms are in writing, it is always best to agree a 28 day payment terms when subbing to another contractor, this gives room for admin work and any queries to be resolved, if you are working direct for the client/customer then payment terms can be agreed on completion and issue of certification which is common in domestic work direct with home owner.
I would recommend if you have no adequate cash flow to wait for payment to work with your bank, they too will want your business to be a success and they often open you up to overdraft allowance in case you need room to build up some financial resources.

I went through this myself when I started and wish I had the experience of what I know now, contractual work is usually as mentioned is open to a 28day payment window as you do if you have an account with your wholesalers, be cautious though always find out the payment terms in advance if working for another company and not direct with a member of the public, many mid to larger firms do payments anything from 4 to 12 weeks, that has caught me out a number of times with new customers, there is nothing more embarrassing than asking to be paid earlier after the matter.
True ...its not a good idea to withhold
I got the attitude from my old boss, cant remember (years and years ago) the details but some customer rang up ranting and raving about how he wasn't going to pay for this and that after one of the electricians had been round to do some work. My boss just put the phone down on him mid rant and turned round to me and said "we won't ever be going back there again", I said what about all the work we have done and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "not interested". He was of course in a position to be not bothered about a couple of grand or whatever it was though, he used to walk round with a Netto carrier bag full of cash after the days shop takings.

I always though from that day forward, I need to be just like him and have enough money tucked away not to let idiots affect my life in any way.
Ive seen this work also well..... Customer starts to worry about "radio silence " and them still having some money they owe you .Some people get a bit paranoid about "what is going to happen" :)
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