Ok, now i know what context the question is asked in, you have really gone off kilter
You seem to be implying:-
A. The minimum qualification for stripping SWA is C&G installation A.
B. Part P or NIC registered people do not/cannot strip SWA
Fella, it seems the questions you need the answer to are:-
A. How many people install SWA in the UK
B. How many of those people would want to buy a dedicated stripper (that havent already bought a dedicated stripper)
Unfortunately, the questions you DID ask bare absolutely no relation to the ones you would NEED to ask
Something is tingling on the back of my neck as to why you think it is neccessary to narrow potential customers down to a certain qualification bandwidth????
I teach domestic installers, and teach them how to strip and prepare SWA, but you have excluded them from your potential market?
ah well, you are the business man, I guess you know what you are doing
good luck![]()
Why would they need to be registered with material supplier? because the would need to buy SWA to be able to use the tool. The discounts alone would make it worth while, but if they are only buying SWA now and then they wouldnt really need a fancy tool for cutting it