hi everyone,
just wondering about homes that still have these old rewireable fuseboxes and where the owners want some work done.
please excuse any apparent ignorance in this or other questions i have asked/will ask, i am in the process of learning and these are hypothetic situations where i am trying to link the requirements of the regs with "real world" scenarios.
this is what has got me wondering - in a couple of properties i've been in as a visitor i've noticed (always looking now i'm learning lol) that where someone's had a shower installed, the electrician has mounted a one way enclosure to house the rcd as the old rewireable board does not have one. i always think that this arrangement looks like a "make good" scenario instead of a replacement of the cu. now i can understand that certain customers won;t have the money for a new cu, and i know that if the existing installation is still safe that cost can be factored in. however, is this acceptable under the regs?
i ask this because this arrangement always seems to leave bathroom lights and kitchen sockets etc non rcd protected, so a job has been done and the tradesman has left knowing that these special locations are not protected?!
what if new bathroom downlights were installed for example and were protected by the same method? i.e one way enclosure next to the old cu. i've never seen that arrangement! but if the shower is ok then surely this would be ok?
in my mind these kind of things do not seem the right way to go about things. but surely everyone does not walk away from a job on the basis the customer won;t pay for a full modernisation of their installation? could someone please clarify this for me ?
many thanks,
just wondering about homes that still have these old rewireable fuseboxes and where the owners want some work done.
please excuse any apparent ignorance in this or other questions i have asked/will ask, i am in the process of learning and these are hypothetic situations where i am trying to link the requirements of the regs with "real world" scenarios.
this is what has got me wondering - in a couple of properties i've been in as a visitor i've noticed (always looking now i'm learning lol) that where someone's had a shower installed, the electrician has mounted a one way enclosure to house the rcd as the old rewireable board does not have one. i always think that this arrangement looks like a "make good" scenario instead of a replacement of the cu. now i can understand that certain customers won;t have the money for a new cu, and i know that if the existing installation is still safe that cost can be factored in. however, is this acceptable under the regs?
i ask this because this arrangement always seems to leave bathroom lights and kitchen sockets etc non rcd protected, so a job has been done and the tradesman has left knowing that these special locations are not protected?!
what if new bathroom downlights were installed for example and were protected by the same method? i.e one way enclosure next to the old cu. i've never seen that arrangement! but if the shower is ok then surely this would be ok?
in my mind these kind of things do not seem the right way to go about things. but surely everyone does not walk away from a job on the basis the customer won;t pay for a full modernisation of their installation? could someone please clarify this for me ?
many thanks,