I think after the 5 attacks in paris of late we are now past that point, it needs to be said, and acted on, burying our head in the sand has past and we must defeat the terrorists, it won't be nice, innocents will be killed, it is out and out War now, it has to stop, the islamic community need to either step up and reassure us they will report all young men who are leaning towards radicalism or they need to prepare for the west standing up for itself and defending future generations of free democratic people. Some people who live in nice safe communities around the world who feel safe may think the west is overreacting when it starts the fightback which will enevitely start very soon, however when you know you can be shot at anytime it is time to stop flathing about and get stuck it, lets get over to these islamic countries and get the scum dealt with, when innocents die the scum are to blame for hiding amounst the people like cowards rather than us for fighting back.We all know who the problem is but we can't say because of fear of being labeled racist.