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Surely there would have been a steep rise in install's before april 2012 regardless as most people knew the tarriffs were going to be reduced at this time anyway? I certainly heard it months ago, The same thing will happen when they decide to phase out the 21p tarriffs, and again and again as you will always have chancers leaving it until the last minute, or the thought of losing out being the final push for somebody to decide to have it installed?

Likewise, I think installs would have dropped off after the cuts as people realise they've missed the boat so don't feel the need to hurry into making a decision, after all it's a new technology that hasn't been around long enough for the general public to put any faith (or money) into!

The fact they've slashed them in half has just magnified the problem?
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exactly everyone was aware of the review and drop in april that was expected so planned to install before then September onwards maybe later. Now just a mad rush with installs and they were surprised, they caused the rush.
exactly everyone was aware of the review and drop in april that was expected so planned to install before then September onwards maybe later. Now just a mad rush with installs and they were surprised, they caused the rush.

Agreed- They created this mess now they're trying to wriggle out of that
Barker's argument trying to say that the Impact Assessment figures are now out of date was completely illogical.

Yes, they are out of date now, four weeks later, but they were the figures that were available at the point he took the decision to have an emergency review with a Dec 12th Reference Date.
Just watched the whole two hours worth phew! Something I couldn`t get my head round why the STA and all were saying that the industry will need no subsidy ( FIT) in 4 or 5 years time, can someone run that past me slowly. Like why ?
Ref why STA were saying we will not need subsidy in 4-5 years time:

We may reach grid parity by 2017. The price of PV electricity will be then be the same as that you buy from your power company. After that it will become progressively cheaper.
Two or three more 20% price hikes (which are likely to happen) coupled with falling equipment costs and we are there.
Any one who thinks a 4kW system will cost 3k is living in a fantasy world!!
That doesn't even cover wages and miscelaneous materials not including the panels and inverters. I just spent £200 on lead for a roof ffs!!
There is a strong body of opinion that in the next 2-3 years kit will become more expensive, not less, as more countries come on line with their own FiTS. The UK is not a bubble on it's own
I thought representatives for solar were gunning for themselves rather than the industry the 4-5 years wasn’t a serious punt for parity just enough time to realise their own ambitions , having watched the lot it became nearly a dead certainty that the big 6 plus the rent a roofers were the driving force here as the 3p export benefit reducing wholesale costs was entirely ignored when any of the calculations were done , the rent a roofer could have done better for himself when referring to reductions in costs as you cant single out single elements ie are wages and transport costs going to come down, i think not . Im of the opinion that they would be very happy if the epc and aggregators were dropped as being large enough to import from china directly from the manufacturer and avoiding wholesaler mark ups puts them in a different league from most on here combine with government guaranteed loans at 5% would make them all small fortunes and secure their positions in the market to many newly qualified mcs people hot on their heels was a worrying part for them the job losses will still occur at the new 21p levels as you are going to need around 4 -500k in readies to be in the game on an even footing ( cut out middlemen pay vat on imports get yourselves warehouse and staff ) when looking at the install graphs the huge increase in the last few weeks cannot have come from new entrants and small installers on here the surge must have come from " we have been to downing street to discuss this and had consultations with decc " its been down to them who had the inside drop on us and the resources to deploy quickly and efficiently one guy picked it up when they asked what is the vertical increase on the installation graph down too since the beginning of the month when lead times are 4-5 weeks but didn’t push it as he knew he had shot one across their bow so to speak , anyway enough rant I've work to do
It wasn't clear if the graphs were showing number of installs or MW capacity installed. I suspect the latter and that the figures include delayed input of the solar farms that scraped past the August deadline - probably accounts for a hundred MW or so and will be a complete one-off. This detail wasn't probed at all by the committee. Poor performance from them, I thought.
It wasn't clear if the graphs were showing number of installs or MW capacity installed. I suspect the latter and that the figures include delayed input of the solar farms that scraped past the August deadline - probably accounts for a hundred MW or so and will be a complete one-off. This detail wasn't probed at all by the committee. Poor performance from them, I thought.

1:37.08 they clearly state it was installations, so solar farms nothing to do with it ( our industry representatives were asked what would they like to kill large scale or small they recomended large scale at that meeting they must have been tiped of back then as the 12 weeks is exactly what they said was their slow boat from china took to arrive in the uk circumstantial I agree but close enough to arouse a whole lot of suss.
Ocean freight from China takes about 5wks max. I don't believe that lead-times were factored in anywhere in the process of the previous changes or the current changes. Stock, supply-lines and manufacturing capacity were unlikely to have been a factor considered by DECC or any of the previously consulted entities although I'm only guessing, I'm not sure.

What hacked me off was Greg Barker trying to use the very recent massive upsurge in installations as justification for their rapid deadline decision - rather than acknowledging that this spike is a direct result of the proposed changes! I shouldn't be surprised, although I am somewhat, that there were so many inadequately backed-up arguments from DECC. Can't honestly see this process as anything but lip service at the moment, any changes because of these ongoing discussions/arguments are highly unlikely, in my opinion.
truth is like the rather large scotch chap kept on about!! they think we all been getting rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they realy dont understand whats involved for the smaller company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weve not been getting rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!weve been training(sort of) and getting mcs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so its the Big boys taken the money plus the training bodies and nic and napit!!!!!!! seems to me the only ones short changed but STILL trying to help clients is the small companies??????????????????? hold on !!!!!!!!!!! just looked in mirror to see if i had SUCKER stamped on my HRAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
was there not enough rom for suck hard on your HRAD?
1:37.08 they clearly state it was installations, so solar farms nothing to do with it ( our industry representatives were asked what would they like to kill large scale or small they recomended large scale at that meeting they must have been tiped of back then as the 12 weeks is exactly what they said was their slow boat from china took to arrive in the uk circumstantial I agree but close enough to arouse a whole lot of suss.

I took that to mean that the stats were for completed installations, not necessarily that they were for number of installations. Nobody from DECC mentioned solar farms so I'm assuming that their figures will have included them - otherwise they would have made a point of saying that this large increase was this big even though they had excluded them.
Parliament TV continues coverage today:


HoC Environmental Audit and Energy and Climate Change Committee Thursday 1 December 2011

Boothroyd Room
Meeting starts at 11.40am

Solar Power Feed-in Tariffs

  • Chloe Smith MP, Economic Secretary, and Jonathan Mills, Deputy Director, Energy Environment and Agriculture, HM Treasury

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