Hmm,all i meant was..i wish all electricians were qualified...you wouldn't go to an unqualified doctor..so why's our job different?
Part P is daft...i aint bothered if one is part p registered or not as such..just that to be a sparky..be trained as one thats all...
sorry if anyone got the wrong end of the stick or got upset.
oh and i am fully qualified to the hilt and have 13 years experience which isnt as much as some..but not too shabby niether tho!
and maybe the full moon theory could be something to do with it all too...been feeling ****ed off all day!
but you still havent stated what you mean by 'qualified'

and there something like 43 seperate categories of trades that can call themselves electricians
the problem being that the term 'electrician' is not a protected term like 'Doctor' is
there are clearly defined routes and academic hurdles to acheieve to use the term doctor.
And unlike 'doctor', WE can pick it up as we go along
I dont have 2330 or any other L3 'installation specific' qualification
and in the eyes of people like the ECA, JIB, NICEIC I am not an electrician
and i have no doubt that in your eyes i wont be one too
but i am highly qualified and experienced in the electrical industry
taught a 2391 student a while ago
he had previuosly been taught by the mighty Brian Scaddonn (him who writes all the text books you use when you do your college course)
anyway, the lad failed with Scaddonn's course
I took him on 2391, and he says to me that he learned more with me in two days than he learned with a week with the 'master' who wrote the book
Kind words, and i get similar accolades from students - all based on my levels of skill, knowledge and experience
but heres the question - would you let me rewire your house as an 'unqualified' sparks?