Petrol prices , we should do something | on ElectriciansForums

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Dec 2, 2009
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The price of oil is as low as it has been for a while, the oil companies have simply jacked their prices up and the labour government will not do anything as they rake in extra VAT for every increase,to help make up for the financial disaster that we are in, thanks to 10 yrs under Gordan Brown first as chancellor of the exchequer and then as unelected prime minister

See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it

We are hitting 114.9 a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying 1.50 a ltr. Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy petrol on a certain day campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT,whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.

Please read it and join in!

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the market place not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea:

For the rest of this year DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It's really simple to do!!

Now, don't wimp out at this point... keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to a lot of people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get excited and

pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it... ...


Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all.(and not buy at ESSO/BP) How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt,

all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8days!!! Acting together we can make a difference . If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.


It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons Jet etc. i.e. boycott BP and Esso.
Only thing is there isn't 3 hundred million people in this country yet but the way Labour are letting them in there will be:rolleyes:
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The price of oil is as low as it has been for a while, the oil companies have simply jacked their prices up and the labour government will not do anything as they rake in extra VAT for every increase,to help make up for the financial disaster that we are in, thanks to 10 yrs under Gordan Brown first as chancellor of the exchequer and then as unelected prime minister

Unfortunatly with the Pound on it's a*** against the dollar and most other currencies fuel ain't going to get cheap again for a while.

When fuel was at 90p we were at $2 to the £ currently the rate is $1.5 to the £ add to this the fact that Darling has added at least 10p in duty plus VAT is it any wonder that fuel is expensive

May be we should shoot the speculators who buy up fuel and leave it offshore in tankers till the price increases because they have not released it to market

If you want to protest against the price of fuel target the main culprits of the price hikes The Government

Don't forget they have just told us that they will increase duty 3 times in the next 9 months and add VAT on it as well so that is another 3p +vat we will have to find for every litre come next January
Bang on 100% UNG. If you're looking for the culprits look no further than Clown Brown and his tax and spend nutjob economy. It wouldn't make any difference though, if he cut tax on petrol, because he would just tax you somewhere else.

It's tax that is the cause of high fuel prices. You pay duty on it and then VAT on top of that. When they cut VAT to 15%, they raised the duty on fuel to compensate for the loss in revenue from VAT!!!!! Cheers Gordy give with one hand and take with the other, just like all your other policies.:mad:
I always buy from supermarkets. Sometime I even get 5p off a litre vouchers and stuff when shopping in their supermarkets for food.
Trouble with supermarket fuel is the quality especially Tesco

I find using Tesco fuel results in poor fuel economy and the engine runs rougher

Don't have as much of a problem with Asda or Morrisons but still get a slight decrease in the economy
Just trading the devil you know for another won't sort anything, The Tory's have no idea just a good spin doctor as a leader. ( politics, you could argue forever, we are all just pawns :( )
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I total agree with all of the above :), let’s hope everyone will do something about it on Election Day when it comes:confused:

Too right, this shower have got to be kicked out of office whilst we still have a country left.
Bring on the general election.

We are the laughing stock of the developed world.
The Tory's have no idea just a good spin doctor as a leader

And Labour have had committees of spin doctors who have managed to spin the spin

As we know from history the current lot have put us back to the days of 1979 when they bankrupted the country the cupboard is now bare again possibly in a worse condition as Brown has sold everything off on the cheap

As chancellor he sold off the gold cheap and bought Euros what a good way to destabilise Sterling which brings us back to the reasons why fuel is costing more as Sterling goes down the pan
Do you think we would be any better under the Tories ? and that sleaze bag DAVE ?

Its easy to criticize others when they are not doing so well But the tories . We are in a GLOBAL recession

Don't forget it was labour who brought in TAX Credits for working familys I for one have benefited without

them my family would be struggling more.

Eddies idea is a good one at least its worth a try
Do you think we would be any better under the Tories ? and that sleaze bag DAVE ?

Let's ban all other political parties then save time and money having an election. Don't think Cameron is any more sleazee than Blair and his cronies

Its easy to criticize others when they are not doing so well But the tories.

Isn't that what Labour did in 1997 to get elected

We are in a GLOBAL recession

Clown Brown told us no more boom and bust now we are bust it's the global economy's fault and Prudence has done a runner. This recession is the finance industries fault a large portion of which is based in London that is to close to home to be global. Although Brown claimed to have an independant interest rate setting committee it was Browns policies on inflation that pushed interest rates up and caused loan markets to crash as those who were on the limit were squeezed to the point they could not repay therefore Brown has caused some of the **** we are in now

Don't forget it was labour who brought in TAX Credits for working familys I for one have benefited without them my family would be struggling more.

So you get money back because they increased your tax bill

Eddies idea is a good one at least its worth a try

This idea is not new it is at least 3 years old. The blockades of the refineries were the best idea but Labour surpressed that by threatening the hauliers with havig their operating licence revoked or not renewed if they continued the protest I call that bullying or state interference
Dosent matter which party you go for they all promise the earth then throw dirt in your face as soon as they are elected. Most are far to busy feathering their own nests to worry about us.

The only way we will advance is by voting with our feet so I agree with the idea as it forces the petrol giants to listen and shows whatever party is in that as a nation we have had enough.

just an idea but if the haulage firms cant blockade the refineries why dont we JO PUBLIC do it it is us who are suffering. wot can bodge it brown threaten us with?:cool:
Because when push comes to shove Most people can't be bothered .Its easy to moan

Although the poll tax riots made me eat my hat .Never thought I would see the day where people would

protest and things would change ...a bit into council Tax . Thanks Maggie and the Tories.
Do you think we would be any better under the Tories ?

Don't forget it was labour who brought in TAX Credits for working familys I for one have benefited without them my family would be struggling more.

Great.... so you have a family. I don’t, i worked and do not have kids ,so I can save for a more comfortable life and enjoy it some day(my choice). At the moment by this goverment like my retied parents and i ,we are being shafted etrxa big time.

Like myself and in time this will include everyone on this site. You will start to become old and look towards some real help in life only to find the door slammed in your face after working / paying into the system all your life as you are be bled dry of every thing you worked for.

All politicians always feather their nest. No one does anything for free! I am sure they will have you believing something different, but in the past at least by them doing this, it has benefited a wider scope of hard working people than today’s elected politicians.

To many stupid rules/people creaming it off ,to stop the hard working person who enjoys working and earning a good living has now all but disappear for the working class.

The only Answer! Don’t work for peanuts. Get paid coconuts for free from the state

Yes I blame that clown Brown, for my state of mind at the moment!

(except my apologies if you find that a racial comment it wasn’t intended. The names rime, you see).

Rant over……..Victor has now left the building
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Great.... so you have a family. I don’t, i worked and do not have kids ,so I can save for a more comfortable life and enjoy it some day(my choice). At the moment by this goverment like my retied parents and i ,we are being shafted etrxa big time.

Like myself and in time this will include everyone on this site. You will start to become old and look towards some real help in life only to find the door slammed in your face after working / paying into the system all your life as you are be bled dry of every thing you worked for.

All politicians always feather their nest. No one does anything for free! I am sure they will have you believing something different, but in the past at least by them doing this, it has benefited a wider scope of hard working people than today’s elected politicians.

To many stupid rules/people creaming it off ,to stop the hard working person who enjoys working and earning a good living has now all but disappear for the working class.

The only Answer! Don’t work for peanuts. Get paid coconuts for free from the state

I think you will find that is what the tax credit system is about ie MAKING it more benefical to work than

claim benefits

Yes I blame that clown Brown, for my state of mind at the

Maybe your right he is different to most politicians in so far that he comes across with a bit of integrity

(except my apologies if you find that a racial comment it wasn’t intended. The names rime, you see).

Rant over……..Victor has now left the building

Maybe you could educate me in what, the Tories have done for the working classes over the ages :)
I dont have all the facts on labour , all i do know is that under tories i had a lot of money in my pocket and there was a sense of if you worked hard you would get your rewards,, yet since labour i am constantly chaseing money and it seems that being on the dole is a good life for some people as they get loads.. Cant trust a guy who sells all our gold at rock bottom prices ,, even i know he should have rang GOLD4YOU.COM lol
Hey, the government needs money !! Do you think any other party will not be forced to hike taxes ? Its our duty as citizens to help the country when it is in need. Be proud that you can do something.

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