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[] Petrol prices , we should do something
if not you cant complain
Hey, the government needs money !!

Ask yourself why? Maybe it is because we have had 13 years of Labour economic madness. In 13 years of credit fuelled boom Labour have managed to save exactly zero..zilch...nada, for when times got bad. It is now into borrowing teritory 12.4 Billion in Feb!!!!!!! What happened to Prudence?

Do you think any other party will not be forced to hike taxes ?
Yes they will have to_Only because of Labour's disasterous economic policy. But hopefully if the Conservatives get in they will take an axe to the huge amount of waste and limit the tax rises.And hopefully spend OUR taxes in a more efficient way. You can be sure that if Labour get back in it will be more of the same. Thats all they know how to do- tax and spend. Socialist Governments always think they know how to spend your money better than you do.

Its our duty as citizens to help the country when it is in need.
NO!!It might be your duty, it certainly aint mine. I never got into unmanagable debt, spending money I didn't have whilst using my house as a cash machine. So why should I have to pay more and more tax, whilst fat bankers and irresponsible homeowners with whopping mortgages, get bailed out with MY hard earned cash?
Why should I have to pay more tax to repay the national debt that Gordon Clown has run up, in an effort to win the election, rather than deal with economic crisis in this country.
Be proud that you can do something.
Proud of what? Paying more tax. Watching an ever increasing transfer of wealth from the working classes to the rich elite? No thanks. I'll be proud when the general population in this country start to say a BIG FAT NO to what is going on under their noses.
Cant trust a guy who sells all our gold at rock bottom prices

And then by his own admmission bought Euros that were becoming stronger in the currency markets thus helping sink the Pound even lower on the world markets

They have been scouring the cupboards to find anything to sell since to support there lavish spending ( it was rumoured they were looking to sell off the government wine cellar)

If this is integrity then I misunderstood the definition

Blair struggled to leave a legacy that he would be remembered by as PM He left us Gordon

Don't think Brown has the same problem He bankrupted UK PLC with his prudence

A historian recently on BBC Question Time summed up the Labour Government that is was now in the same position that is was in 1979, It has emptied all the cupboards and sold everything off there is nothing left and nowhere to go
Maybe you could educate me in what, the Tories have done for the working classes over the ages :)

OK, would it have been the same under the Tories? Well that's no argument. Look at Labour's record, we've had virtually 13 years of this shower of ---- in which to do something and they've achieved.:)

Public & Government Debt Reaching an All-time High, the furture or present Government now Has a Monstrous Black Hole to Fill and the Public Will Have to Borrow Even More to Pay for the Coming Tax Increases. You Don’t Need A Brain to Know the Inevitable Abyss is Already on us

We have been lured into debt by a false sense of security & government spin. What all of the experts would tell you if only they dared?

Financial history repeats itself. A period of deflation paired with excessive speculative borrowing causes a crash. Too many civil servants, overt taxation, atrophied manufacturing, too much borrowing, reckless property investment, balance of payment deficit. Maintaining the economy by creating a consumer boom on £1.4trillion of personal debt this will result in an unprecedented personal bankruptcies & increased redundancies. Will you be able to repay your debts? Will your savings be safe or will they be lost by bank rupture?


This is the continuing outcome off 13 years of Labour government. Cross out the things you have not witnessed first hand, it won’t be much.


Manufacturing & Employment - Hospital & General Practice, Dental &
Mental Health Services - Domicile Medical Care - Nursing Homes - Social
Services -Ambulance & Fire Services - Public Healthy & Safety -
Immigration Control - Railway, Aviation, Road Transportation - Industry
& Production - Manufacturing - Employment - Shipping & Dock Services -
Prison & Judicial Services - Postal & Post Office Services – Water,
Gas, Electricity & Oil - Farming & Food - Environmental Safeguards &
Planning - Coastal Defenses - Pollution Control - Waste Disposal -
Water & Sewerage Services - Housing - Architecture & Buildings - Town &
Country Planning - Primary, Secondary & University Education - Tourism
- Quality Control of Food & Drugs - Medical & Scientific Research &
Development - Sporting Facilities – Youth Recreational Facilities;

Intolerable Taxation ? Stealth Taxation - Central Government Misuse of
Public Funds for Providing Inducements to Public Sector Workers, the
Media & Public Information Services towards Electorate Manipulation -
Selling Off of Public Assets - Corruption by Members of Parliament,
Central & Local Governments for Personal Gain - Mercenary & Fraudulent
Banking Services, Stock Exchange, Corporate, Pension Funds, Insurance
Companies Corruption ? Public Obsession with Consumerism ? Duplicity
for Profit by Estate Agents & Surveyors ? Compromised Legal Profession
? Moderation of Law Enforcement Professionals down to Punitive Revenue

Public Apathy & Despondency, Pandemic Loss of
Confidence, Distrust & Cynicism of Politicians & Central & Local
Government - Public Sector Employment - Inappropriate Punitive
Legislation to Create a Climate of Fear - Suppression of Personal
Freedom & Independency ? Obstructing & Interference from Government
Agencies in Domestic & Business Life - Dereliction of Industrial Towns
& Cities - Manipulation of National Statistics - Industrial Action -
Unemployment Poverty - Homelessness - Begging - Racial Segregation &
Slums – State Benefits Dependency. Terrorism - Military Action - Crime
- Fraud - Homicide - Suicides - Divorce - Unmarried Mothers - Domestic
Violence - Child Abuse - Fear - Stress - Sickness & Disease -
Prescriptive & Illegal Drug Use - Alcohol & Tobacco Consumption -
Public Demonstrations and Riots - Consumer Debt - Personal & Corporate
Bankruptcies - Property Crash - Residential & Commercial Property
Repossessions ? Sterling Pound Devaluation Compromising its Sovereignty
- Selective Manipulation of Inflation & Deflation - Destruction of
Personal Wealth & Savings - Balance of Payment Deficit - Printing of
Money – Grand Losses in Stocks, Shares , Bonds, Pensions,& Savings with
Insider Trading Commonplace.


What`s that you say “Labour has Integrity”

Labour created the word “SPIN” and thats putting it nicey ,The Old working class Labour was reshaped by Mr Blair to create todays, a purely vote winning aftermath.

Guess where Tony Blair is now? Do you think he happy queuing up for this post office pension, perhapes he`s drawing the curtains on his two bed terraced house, full with M&S ,B&Q ,Next trinkets, to hide from the postman? Like most loubour supporters are? Do you think he wakes at 5am, bricking it that the bailiffs will be there at 11 to take away his new shiney processions?

He filled his bucket up with gold along time ago, now reaping all the rewards while holding those dinner parties while cursing on this private yacht.
He was never bothered about anything except himself :cool:

SCOTT F ---- I Await your reply....:p

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ok, would it have been the same under the tories? Well that's no argument. Look at labour's record, we've had virtually 13 years of this shower of ---- in which to do something and they've achieved.:)

public & government debt reaching an all-time high, the furture or present government now has a monstrous black hole to fill and the public will have to borrow even more to pay for the coming tax increases. You don’t need a brain to know the inevitable abyss is already on us

we have been lured into debt by a false sense of security & government spin. What all of the experts would tell you if only they dared?

financial history repeats itself. A period of deflation paired with excessive speculative borrowing causes a crash. Too many civil servants, overt taxation, atrophied manufacturing, too much borrowing, reckless property investment, balance of payment deficit. Maintaining the economy by creating a consumer boom on £1.4trillion of personal debt this will result in an unprecedented personal bankruptcies & increased redundancies. Will you be able to repay your debts? Will your savings be safe or will they be lost by bank rupture?


this is the continuing outcome off 13 years of labour government. Cross out the things you have not witnessed first hand, it won’t be much.

political narcissistic disregard of the electorate, with years of dereliction and neglect of the united kingdom's infrastructures & manufacturing base, causing:

a breakdown & soaring costs in:
manufacturing & employment - hospital & general practice, dental &
mental health services - domicile medical care - nursing homes - social
services -ambulance & fire services - public healthy & safety -
immigration control - railway, aviation, road transportation - industry
& production - manufacturing - employment - shipping & dock services -
prison & judicial services - postal & post office services – water,
gas, electricity & oil - farming & food - environmental safeguards &
planning - coastal defenses - pollution control - waste disposal -
water & sewerage services - housing - architecture & buildings - town &
country planning - primary, secondary & university education - tourism
- quality control of food & drugs - medical & scientific research &
development - sporting facilities – youth recreational facilities;

accompanied by:
intolerable taxation ? Stealth taxation - central government misuse of
public funds for providing inducements to public sector workers, the
media & public information services towards electorate manipulation -
selling off of public assets - corruption by members of parliament,
central & local governments for personal gain - mercenary & fraudulent
banking services, stock exchange, corporate, pension funds, insurance
companies corruption ? Public obsession with consumerism ? Duplicity
for profit by estate agents & surveyors ? Compromised legal profession
? Moderation of law enforcement professionals down to punitive revenue

resulting in the escalation of:
public apathy & despondency, pandemic loss of
confidence, distrust & cynicism of politicians & central & local
government - public sector employment - inappropriate punitive
legislation to create a climate of fear - suppression of personal
freedom & independency ? Obstructing & interference from government
agencies in domestic & business life - dereliction of industrial towns
& cities - manipulation of national statistics - industrial action -
unemployment poverty - homelessness - begging - racial segregation &
slums – state benefits dependency. Terrorism - military action - crime
- fraud - homicide - suicides - divorce - unmarried mothers - domestic
violence - child abuse - fear - stress - sickness & disease -
prescriptive & illegal drug use - alcohol & tobacco consumption -
public demonstrations and riots - consumer debt - personal & corporate
bankruptcies - property crash - residential & commercial property
repossessions ? Sterling pound devaluation compromising its sovereignty
- selective manipulation of inflation & deflation - destruction of
personal wealth & savings - balance of payment deficit - printing of
money – grand losses in stocks, shares , bonds, pensions,& savings with
insider trading commonplace.

new labour has used public money (taxes: Your money) to buy votes and has bankrupted our united kingdom

what`s that you say “labour has integrity”

labour created the word “spin” and thats putting it nicey ,the old working class labour was reshaped by mr blair to create todays, a purely vote winning aftermath.

guess where tony blair is now? Do you think he happy queuing up for this post office pension, perhapes he`s drawing the curtains on his two bed terraced house, full with m&s ,b&q ,next trinkets, to hide from the postman? Like most loubour supporters are? Do you think he wakes at 5am, bricking it that the bailiffs will be there at 11 to take away his new shiney processions?

he filled his bucket up with gold along time ago, now reaping all the rewards while holding those dinner parties while cursing on this private yacht.
he was never bothered about anything except himself :cool:

scott f ---- i await your reply....:p

here here
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OK, would it have been the same under the Tories? Well that's no argument. Look at Labour's record, we've had virtually 13 years of this shower of ---- in which to do something and they've achieved.:)

Public & Government Debt Reaching an All-time High, the furture or present Government now Has a Monstrous Black Hole to Fill and the Public Will Have to Borrow Even More to Pay for the Coming Tax Increases. You Don’t Need A Brain to Know the Inevitable Abyss is Already on us

We have been lured into debt by a false sense of security & government spin. What all of the experts would tell you if only they dared?

Financial history repeats itself. A period of deflation paired with excessive speculative borrowing causes a crash. Too many civil servants, overt taxation, atrophied manufacturing, too much borrowing, reckless property investment, balance of payment deficit. Maintaining the economy by creating a consumer boom on £1.4trillion of personal debt this will result in an unprecedented personal bankruptcies & increased redundancies. Will you be able to repay your debts? Will your savings be safe or will they be lost by bank rupture?


This is the continuing outcome off 13 years of Labour government. Cross out the things you have not witnessed first hand, it won’t be much.


Manufacturing & Employment - Hospital & General Practice, Dental &
Mental Health Services - Domicile Medical Care - Nursing Homes - Social
Services -Ambulance & Fire Services - Public Healthy & Safety -
Immigration Control - Railway, Aviation, Road Transportation - Industry
& Production - Manufacturing - Employment - Shipping & Dock Services -
Prison & Judicial Services - Postal & Post Office Services – Water,
Gas, Electricity & Oil - Farming & Food - Environmental Safeguards &
Planning - Coastal Defenses - Pollution Control - Waste Disposal -
Water & Sewerage Services - Housing - Architecture & Buildings - Town &
Country Planning - Primary, Secondary & University Education - Tourism
- Quality Control of Food & Drugs - Medical & Scientific Research &
Development - Sporting Facilities – Youth Recreational Facilities;

Intolerable Taxation ? Stealth Taxation - Central Government Misuse of
Public Funds for Providing Inducements to Public Sector Workers, the
Media & Public Information Services towards Electorate Manipulation -
Selling Off of Public Assets - Corruption by Members of Parliament,
Central & Local Governments for Personal Gain - Mercenary & Fraudulent
Banking Services, Stock Exchange, Corporate, Pension Funds, Insurance
Companies Corruption ? Public Obsession with Consumerism ? Duplicity
for Profit by Estate Agents & Surveyors ? Compromised Legal Profession
? Moderation of Law Enforcement Professionals down to Punitive Revenue

Public Apathy & Despondency, Pandemic Loss of
Confidence, Distrust & Cynicism of Politicians & Central & Local
Government - Public Sector Employment - Inappropriate Punitive
Legislation to Create a Climate of Fear - Suppression of Personal
Freedom & Independency ? Obstructing & Interference from Government
Agencies in Domestic & Business Life - Dereliction of Industrial Towns
& Cities - Manipulation of National Statistics - Industrial Action -
Unemployment Poverty - Homelessness - Begging - Racial Segregation &
Slums – State Benefits Dependency. Terrorism - Military Action - Crime
- Fraud - Homicide - Suicides - Divorce - Unmarried Mothers - Domestic
Violence - Child Abuse - Fear - Stress - Sickness & Disease -
Prescriptive & Illegal Drug Use - Alcohol & Tobacco Consumption -
Public Demonstrations and Riots - Consumer Debt - Personal & Corporate
Bankruptcies - Property Crash - Residential & Commercial Property
Repossessions ? Sterling Pound Devaluation Compromising its Sovereignty
- Selective Manipulation of Inflation & Deflation - Destruction of
Personal Wealth & Savings - Balance of Payment Deficit - Printing of
Money – Grand Losses in Stocks, Shares , Bonds, Pensions,& Savings with
Insider Trading Commonplace.


What`s that you say “Labour has Integrity”

Labour created the word “SPIN” and thats putting it nicey ,The Old working class Labour was reshaped by Mr Blair to create todays, a purely vote winning aftermath.

Guess where Tony Blair is now? Do you think he happy queuing up for this post office pension, perhapes he`s drawing the curtains on his two bed terraced house, full with M&S ,B&Q ,Next trinkets, to hide from the postman? Like most loubour supporters are? Do you think he wakes at 5am, bricking it that the bailiffs will be there at 11 to take away his new shiney processions?

He filled his bucket up with gold along time ago, now reaping all the rewards while holding those dinner parties while cursing on this private yacht.
He was never bothered about anything except himself :cool:

SCOTT F ---- I Await your reply....:p

A reply to what exactly ? The list of above Labours fault ? Homelessness , Begging .

get a life get, a lay would be better mind :):):)
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A reply to what exactly ? The list of above Labours fault ? Homelessness , Begging .

get a life get, a lay would be better mind :):):)

I used to have a life and a good trade before labour wrecked it, Yep in today’s climate I do need to get laid more often and get plenty tadpoles out there,have as many children as possible, as this is the only way you can have a good life in Britain creaming the social at everyone hard working expense.

Look forward meeting you on site some day child!
I used to have a life and a good trade before labour wrecked it, Yep in today’s climate I do need to get laid more often and get plenty tadpoles out there,have as many children as possible, as this is the only way you can have a good life in Britain creaming the social at everyone hard working expense.

Look forward meeting you on site some day child!

I find the above statement interesting.
I'm sorry Labour wrecked your life & good trade. Also surprised.
I've been an electrician since 1981, so 16 years under the Tories and 13 under Labour and I must say that I've prospered far better under Labour than I ever did under the Tories.
We are in a bad way at the moment and maybe it's the fault of Labour but there is still plenty of work out there and I still see a lot well off working people.
I'm afraid I remember all too well the Torie years of total destruction of industries, don't forget they over saw the closing down of our ship building, steel production, coal industry, motor industry and plenty more industrial production devastating whole communities in the precess.
You vote Conservative if you wish (It's a free world) I could never do that.
Hi Andy b

It does sound like you are from the same era as my-self judging by the dates you have quoted

I never said Tories where perfect and it might come as a suspire from my writings I will not be voting for them this time round, I also remember the years of total destruction of the prementioned industrial industries as well

What has got my goat is the endless ramping of everything is rosy just to win a general election.

In my eyes they just carried on where the Tories left off, but they bankrupt Britain as well in the process and still try and gloss in over with some untrue feel good factor statement. I know all to many people in various trades who have fallen on hard times due to this government

I have just finished a well-paid electrical contract with a well-known steel producer, proberly the last big manufacturing industry left. Even if we don’t own it any more.

It is sad that it cost so much to produce steel, in fact anything in Britain due to the red tape and taxes surrounding anything that isn’t classed as the ecco squeaky-clean trend we have seen over the last 10 years. It’s the counter productiveness of all this red tape that has destroyed the rest of our industrial base.

I always looked forward to rely on a trade having over 25 years plus experience, to only find my nose being pushed out also due to more red tape.

I never have known it so bad.

Applied for a job in a pumping station have all the papers and experience JIB approved even the stupid safety passports and other stuff only to be told don’t bother to apply because I haven’t got some other card. When I investigated what it was it was a 4 hour common sense course where they tell you how not to pollute water. Cost £200.

What a joke if you haven’t got the common sense to work at these places. Then what chance have you got of installing repairing their stuff?

They seem to choose these stupid things over real experience and qualifications at the moment and I blame this nanny culture that labour has brought in.

Since when did you not know if you eat junk food it made you fat! seen a advert the other day telling me if I ate healthy (cut out the above) and exercised It would keep me fit and thin? Dine bar anyone?

I do respect your beliefs Andy but at the same time find it hard to share your Enthusiasm for labours great achievements over the last decade.

Thanks for your message, I think you have misjudged me, I have never voted 'New Labour' in my life and I made no mention of Labour's 'Great Achievements as you put it because there are none.

I agree with you that they carried on where the Tories left off, and only a fool would think that everything is rosy at the moment.
I was trying to make the point that we've struggled under both governments and all this is nothing new, we had the 3 day week in the seventies, the winter of discontent in the late seventies, the recession of the eighties, black Wednesday the fall of the pound massive unemployment etc etc. But for all Labour's faults they've not yet managed to decimate a whole industry or community yet.

Agree completely about the nanny culture but I don't think you could put that on any particular government.

Oh! and thanks for the tip on junk food, I'll stop eating it right away :) and what is a safety passport?
. But for all Labour's faults they've not yet managed to decimate a whole industry or community yet.

There were some good programs on last year about the miners strikes and what they went through .

Might be worth the uninitiated to check them out see the Tories at the height of their power !

I am a southerner and still feel for what they went through . After the decimatinion of the communities

like most places . Drugs despair and despondency kick in and Still prevail ( things CPC seems to think are

the current Labour governments Fault ?) Large vacuums were/are left. I also seem to remember it was

the Tory goverment who stopped ALL or at least most of the apprenticeships in trade and industry in fact

she sold a hell of a lot . Is this why 5 day courses are now big buisness ? . She also shut down a lot of the

mental health hospitals effectively, putting the mentally vulnerable on the street.

10 per cent mentally vunerable 10 per cent alkis and I would say 75 per cent Addicts constitute the

homeless.MOst or a lot of the homeless have been Mentally ,Physically and Sexually abused .

(Is this the sole work of Gorden CPC or was he assisted) and

through no fault of their own end up on the street or prison in a vicious cycle until . Maybe someone like

Lousie Casey homeless Tsar in the labour goverment from around 2000 put money into rehabitaion .

And Hey guess what (well **** my boots some not all get rehabilitated . I know people whom have

benefited from this Labour Goverment Initiative and that is another thing to thank them for .

a Bold positive move.

but hey things are not so good so lets all be negative and BLAME the countrys ills on

the present labour goverment like CPC . AND Whose Calling Whom a child Again ?

Hello again Andy

What is a safety passport?

This is what I called it in my posting! It is a debt-sized card that is called Passport to safety .I think they are a few companies that run the courses to get them. They are all the same as long as they have the core skill sign, c with a dot in the middle. You will require one when working on sites where there are a lot of hazards i.e. foundries, power stations, refineries etc. You are supposed to carry it and produce it on demand if requested by Mr/Mrs h&s.

If you take the second day to the course it will include hygiene which will be marked on the card as well .I think you will find you have to have hygiene to working on food lines with in food factories. Conveyors, working over food lines etc not on the grounds, Greencore are big on it

It also gets you out off doing the JIB multiple choice test.

To be fair, it is only what gets repeated day in and out at most inductions across the uk. Common sense stuff, but here the catch, if you have one of these cards with the hygiene you can walk on most food sites without the heavy induction, others dangerous typey sites you will still have to sit their inductions obviously, but as the card states you have the core safety skills to work safety, so in theory if something goes wrong “accident/safety” wise they could possibly rub they hands off it, as you have been briefed on safety through this card and nothing they forgot to cover (general safety wise ) within their induction, If you get my drift?

I don’t think that would be the case. I do believe it is more as a time saver for them on the more routine safety issues for most company sites, which ask for this card.

Can’t remember how much it was, I think it was around the £220 mark? It lasts 3-4 years?

However, If you want it for free Drive down to the local school, handbrake turn at 60 mpg in front of the lady with the lolly then spin off up the one way school exit backwards a-wheels-a smok`in and you probably get offered to take this course free instead of collecting your 3 points for your excellent driving skills, There was a bloke in our class who had been put on it because of that reason, speeding on the motorway of course, lol.

Reply to Petrol prices , we should do something in the Electricians Chat - Off Topic Chat area at

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