Good GOD, your are ALL an embarrassment to your own self appreciating reflections. I meant 2 days to run in the TV cables to each unit. NOT, the submain’s, M*RONS. And, whilst I'm still on let me just say THANK YOU to all you self-serving, I AM SO GREAT. Preachers of the finer dark arts of business practice.
What do you do if your main contract year in year out suddenly out of know where thinks you've included something in a quote that you haven't?
I'll sue them for 7K.
Then watch my business dry up.
No, hang on. Let me get out my DeLorian.
Yes, yes, yes! That’s it! I’ll go back in time to somehow inform myself without the disruption of the time-continuum of staged payments.
What an amazing idea.
Hmm maybe I should take the stage of world of economics, and rock it to its core. Become the Axl Rose of world economics. Then again, I could do my finger painting instead. But, no. I must go forwards
STAGED PAYMENTS- MY GOD I'VE BEEN SO STOOOPID. It was worth 35k in total, the 7k is profit after my wages.
SPARKY JOE I salute you for being the most helpful, I truly mean it
The rest maybe just maybe you should take time out to reflect on just how petty minded you are. And to the star performer TONY aka Grumpy Git. Maybe, just maybe, you should reconsider what’s funny. After all the tears of a clown can be made real. Kn0b
I came here looking for advice, and all I got was the equivalent of drunken lecherous distant cousins of an inbred corn worshipping holier than holy unsightly a s s – The donkeys cousin. Feel free to respond with YOUR imaginative wit that only a halfwit dullard would find amusing that is if they are not already laughing at their own poo. That’s TO everyone except SPARKY JOE who yet again I SALUTE