Type B RCD requirement relates to DC seperation.
If by design the inverter can't leak DC then Type B not needed. Usually that means glavanic seperation, i.e. transformer. Some transformless inverters have specific built in monitors to stop / manage dc leakage and hence remove the requirement for a Type B RCD, this can effecteievly only be done if specifically stated by the manufacturer. I know that SMA nd Power-One both make that statement, and from reading the above, presume that Fronius have also done.
HOWEVER, sometimes they say that if it needs to be protected then it should be on it's own dedicated RCD and often that is 100mA per inverter.
Manufacrurers guidelines overide the DTi Guide, howver it's like the good old 16th / 17th edition discussion - what was the requirement WHEN IT WAS INSTALLED...
Best practice dictates that if it requires an RCD it should be dedicated to the Inverter, then if 100mA required, other circuits are not put at risk.
Our practice is to design out the requirement for an RCD whever we can.
For the full 9 yards just search this forum there's one thread that I think goes on for about 10 pages about it.