2394: Q ) . Defects identified during aninitial-verification should be ? thisone always comes up .
A) . Made good before the certificate is issued .
Regulation(s), Initial - Verification . p.196
632.4. Defects or omissions revealed during .inspection & testing of theinstallation-work covered by the ( Certificate ) shall be made good before the Certificate is issued .
Q) . An electrical-installation-certificate . must indicate responsibility forthe installation(s) . A ) . Design . construction . testing & testing. p.389 .
(v) ( EIC ) will indicate the responsibility for . design.construction . inspection & testing . whether in relation to new-work . or further-work . on an existing-installation .
Where. design . construction . inspection & testing are the responsibility of one-person a .Certificate with a ( single-signature ) declaration . Etc .