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Re-take - Useful Information for 2394 :

Functional-Testing- 612.13.1.
Whichstates that for an RCD ( Theeffectiveness of any test-facility incorporated in the device shall be Verified)

Re-cap :Built-in-test-button . RCDs
test-button- can be used to place a load between the output - Line-conductor and theinput-neutral-conductor . creating animbalance in the windings . this imbalance causes the RCD to trip .

point to note : thetest-button only demonstrates that the trip-mechanism-works . confirming-nothing-else .about it’s specific-operational- characteristics .
Re-cap -2394: with 2008: & 2011:
17[SUP]th[/SUP]Edition increases the need for circuit(s) to be provided with RCD-protection -The circuit(s) that require RCD are as follows .

i) . Where the - Earth-fault-loop-impedance . isto high to provide the required-disconnection-times . where thedistributor - ( DNO ) or does notprovide an Earth - TT - system(s) 411.5.
ii) . Socket-outlet - circuit(s) in domestic andsimilar-installation(s) - 411.3.3.
iii) . For circuit(s) of locations-containing-a bathor shower - 701.411.3.3.
iv) . For circuit(s) supplying mobile-equipment .not exceeding - 32A for use outdoors - 411.3.3.
v) . For cables without earthed-metallic-coveringinstalled in walls or partitions at a depth of less than 50mm and not protectedby earthed-steel-conduit or similar - 522.6.7.
vi) . Forcables without earthed-metallic-covering installed in walls or partitions withmetal-parts - excluding screws or nails . and not protected byearthed-steel-conduct or the like - 522.6.8.

for items( ii and vi ) above the RCDs used shouldbe rated at 30mA .
(Additional-Protection Only ) 5 x 30 =150mA
RCDs are rated at . 30mA and 40mS . andmust disconnect the supply within ( 40mS ) for a leakage-current of ( 5 x times) the rated-operating-current - 150mA . refer to BS-7671:2008:2011: - 415.1.1.
Re-cap . What the Regulations arereminding us . p.29 / p.36 .

Inspection :-Examination of an electrical-installation using all the ( Senses as appropriate )

Testing :- Implementation of ( measures to assess ) an electrical-installation by means of which its . ( effectiveness is proved ) this includesascertaining-values by means of ( appropriate-measuring-instrument(s) it has been -Defined . Part - 4 . 2 . 3 . 5 . 6 . refer to . GN-3 .

Verification :- All ( measures by means ) ofwhich compliance of the electrical-installation with the relevant-requirementsof - BS-7671 : are checked . comprising . Inspection . Testing and Certification .
BS-7671:2011: BS-EN-61557 : P.288 .
BS-EN-61557: Electrical-safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000V a.c and 1500V d.c. - Equipment for testing . measuring ormonitoring of protective-measures . ( General-requirements ) 612.1. - 621.3.

P.190 - BS-7671:2011: 612.1.

Testing :
The tests of . Regulations - 612.2. to 13 . where relevant . shall becarried out and the results compared with relevant-criteria .

P.194 - 621.3.
Periodic-inspectionand Testing :
Precautionsshall be taken to ( Ensure ) that the periodic-inspection and testing shall not cause ( Danger ) to persons or livestock . and shall not cause damage to property and equipment even if the circuit is defective . Measuring-instrumentsand monitoring-equipment and methods shall be chosen in accordance withrelevant-parts of ( BS-EN-61557 ) ifother measuring-equipmentis used . it shall provide no less degree ofperformance and safety .

BS-EN-61557-2 :Insulation-résistance .

p.288 . BS-EN-61557-6 : 1998 .Residual-current-devices - ( RCD ) in TT . TN - 612.8.1 . a) 2)
p.193 : General .
The - Verification . ofthe effectiveness of the measures for . fault-protection byautomatic-disconnection of supply is effected as follows . a) 2)
a) TN - system . Compliance with .Regulation - 411.4. shall be verified by . (2)
verification of the -characteristics and / or effectiveness of the associated-protective-device .This verification shall be made :

- for -Overcurrent-protective-devices . by ( Visual-inspection ) i.e. short-time or instantaneous-trippingsettings for circuit-breakers . current-rated and type for fuses .
- for - RCDs . by ( Visual-inspection & Test ) The effectiveness of disconnection ofsupply by RCDs . shall be verified using ( Suitable-test-equipment according to BS-EN-61557-6 . ( Part - 6 ) Regulation - 612.1. to confirm that therelevant-requirements in . Chapter - 41 are met .

Testing :
The tests of . Regulations - 612.1. where relevant . shall be carried outand the results compared with relevant-criteria .

The disconnection-timesrequired by . Chapter - 41 shall be verified . Chapter - 41 . Protection againstelectric-shock .

Safety -LVD .

BS-EN-61557: Electrical-safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000V a.c and 1500V d.c. - Equipment for testing . measuring ormonitoring of protective-measures . ( General-requirements )

Part - 1 :General-requirements .
Part - 2 : Insulation-résistance-testers .
Part - 3 : Loop-résistance .
Part - 4 : Low-résistance-ohmmeters .
Part - 6 : Residual-current-devices - RCDs . in TT and TN- system(s)
Part - 7Phase-sequence .

Other reference standards for testing - RCDs .
RCD -Standards : BS-EN-61008-1 . BS-EN-61009-1

BS-EN-61008-1 : ( Part - 1 )
Residual-current-operated-circuit-breaker - ( Without ) integral-overcurrent-protection . for household andsimilar uses. ( General-rules )
BS-EN-61009-1 : ( Part - 1 )
Residual-current-operated-circuit-breaker - ( With ) integral-overcurrent-protection . for household andsimilar uses. ( General-rules )

Current-multiplier ( x ) x 1 / 100%.
Current-multiplier ( x ) x 5 / 500%.

Megger -1552 . Do we get lazy withMultifunctional instrument(s) .
Automatic: - Nulling-out . “ Leads
Manual : By calculation . Subtracting . “ Leads

RCD - ( G ) ~ 30mA . ( BS-EN )

For thesake off . -&-s . Select the -RCD-function using thefunction-selector-switch . Am using theword - Manual - Setting(s) : back to basics

( 1/2 . 0.5 ) Half of 30mA / 15mA .
- Start ofTest : with ( IΔn ) 0° .step 1 . RCD should not Trip .
- Start ofTest : with ( IΔn ) 180° .step 2 . RCD should not Trip .

(500% . x5 )
- Start ofTest : with ( 5 x IΔn ) 0° .step 3 . RCD should Trip-out . ( Example - 0° / 7.7mS … 180° / 11.1mS ) Manual .
Re-activateRCD . - Start of Test : with ( 5 x IΔn ) 180° .step 4 . RCD should Trip-out .

(100% . x1 )
- Start ofTest : with ( 1 x IΔn ) 0° .step 5 . RCD should Trip-out . ( Example - 0° / 46.0mS … 180° / 35.7mS ) Manual .
Re-activateRCD . - Start of Test : with ( 1 x IΔn ) 180° .step 6 . RCD should Trip-out .

Highest of the two-readingsshould be recorded - Certificate
Re-cap. Table- 3A / p.295 . BS-EN-61008-1 : & BS-EN-61009-1 :
Delay ( S ) Trip-time (mS ) Minimum & Maximum . tΔ .. 130mS < tΔ < 500mS .

Table -41.5 gives maximum-values of ( Zs ) for non-time-delayed - RCDs .
Value ofthe two-current-tests ??? ( Example - 0° ~ / 46.0mS … 180° ~ / 35.7mS )
2394: Guessworkdoes not pay .

Point to Note : it appears thatmany candidates believe the . Minimum-acceptable-value forinsulation-résistance is ( 2M and not1M ) stated in BS-7671:2008:2011:

Re-cap. Table - 61 . MINIMUM-value of insulation-résistance . Wording is MINIMUM . ( 1MΩ ) BS-7671:2008:2011:
Note - 2: Insulation-résistance-value(s) are usually-higher than those of Table-61 . ◄◄◄◄◄

Point toNote : - Exams 2394 : There is no excuse for studying for any exams. Q/As are taken from . BS-7671:2008:2011: - GN-3 .

Point to Note : “ a Must “ GN-3 . P.58 . :mad2:
Operationof residual-current-devices . ← ← ← ← ← ← .
411.4.5. - For each of the tests . readings should betaken on ( Both-positive and negative-half-cycles ) ( 0° & 180° ) andthe longer-operating-time-recorded .

Technical-Knowledge; Examiners - 2012 .

Many-candidateswere unable to correctly -indentify the requirements for the application ofRCDs . the Maximum-test-currents appliedand the Maximum-operating-times . many candidates failed to score as well asthey may as they failed to indentify the test-currents . in mA . to be appliedat each step of the test . failed to indentify the correct-operating-times ateach step and not indentifying that the ( Highest of the values at 0° and 180° ) should be recorded . Many candidatesfailed to confirm the operation of the ( Test-button ) on completion of the electrical-tests. Somecandidates stated incorrectly that an RCD to - BS-EN-61008-1 should disconnectin ( 200mS ) whentested at 5 x IΔn .
Regulationshave to state the facts : p.167

Facts : Minimum-cross-sectional-area of the . main-protective-bonding-conductor .in relation to the ( Neutral of the supply )

Electrical-installation-condition-reports. & “ Testing “

Gas &Water-installation-pipe(s) The size of main-protective-bonding-conductor is always selectedfor the appropriate tables in the regulations . 54.8.
( 10.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] ) is fine for most installations of a C.S.A.of the supply-neutral-conductor ( table- 54.8. - 35mm[SUP]2[/SUP] or less 10.0mm[SUP]2[/SUP] )

The conductorsare connected in a appropriate-place forboth the Gas - Water-installation-pipe(s) using BS-951 - clamps . and also suitable indentifiedwith the correct-label . - Provision of earthing and bonding-labels at all appropriate-locations

Older-installation(s) where the installation has - supplementary-bonding they will also have to bechecked . - Provision of earthing and bonding-labels at allappropriate-locations

Verifying( Zs ) readings . ( Lighting-circuit )
Determine ( Zs ) adding ( Ze ) which you determined during the prospective-earth-fault-current-test. to your value of ( R[SUP]1[/SUP] + R[SUP]2[/SUP] ) looking attable - 41.3. Maximum - ( Zs is 6A - 7.67Ω ) for a 6A circuit-breaker to operate . your ( Zs ) is well below this . it is important to remember that theregulations do require a adjustment to the figure to allow for the increase ofrésistance of conductors of increase oftemperature when a circuit is under-load .

You canfind guidance on this - Appendix - 14 . p.424. 80% method . so the tabulated - (Zs ) needs to be reduced to 80% - per-cent of its value you can just do this multiplying . ( 7.67 x 0.8 = 6.14 )
Used as a Leaning-curve .

High-current-loop-testing :
For Supplies that are ( Not RCD - protected ) thehigh-current-test . can be used . as there is no-risk of tripping and RCD .

Megger - LTW-325 : Loop-impedance-tester .
Two-wires -loop-impedance-measurement

Line to earth - testing.
Line toneutral - testing .
Prospective-short-circuit-current-test. ( PSCC )

The ideaof this test is to measure the maximum-current that can flow betweenlive-conductor(s) in the event of a fault .
The reasonthat we have to know this to make sure that we select the right type ofprotective-device . where it is installed in the circuit .it needs to carry thehighest amount of current without damage . Megger - LTW-325 . Loop / No-trip . Loop / Max-Z

Firstly :we must have Safe-Isolation . locking - OFF . Padlock
Danger -400 Volts .
Warning -This is a Live-test .

Green-lead- onto the neutral .
Loop / Max - Z. Loop - high-current .
Testbetween the neutral which is a live-conductor - then test between the incoming- line-conductor . PFC - ( 2241A ) which is 2.24kA .
Need to dothe same test between all three-line-conductors . ( L1 . L2 . L3 )

Brown - L1 - 2241kA . 2.24kA .
Black- L2 - 2256kA . 2.25kA
Gray - L3 - 2257kA . 2.25kA

We can seethat the reads 2.25kA .
becausethis is a Three-phase supply . you need to double the valve I’ve got . 2.25 x2 is 4.5 . ( 4.5kA is what you write onyour test - certificate )

Megger - LTW-325 : Loop-impedance-tester .
External-earth-loop-impedance-test- ( Ze ) Earth-fault-loop-impedance-test-instrument .

Firstly :We must have Safe-Isolation . locking - OFF . Padlock
Danger -400 Volts .
Warning -This is a Live-test .

Disconnectedthe - Earthing-conductor . ( Which is aProtective-conductor )
Reason forthis . We do not want ( Parallel - paths ) we need to know the résistance between hereand the supply-transformer .

With leadsto GS-38 .
Green-lead with a crocodile-clip .
Red - lead. with plastic-cover with maximum cover . 2mm . ( Live-parts )
Loop /High-current .
Loop / Max - Z.

Connectthe Green-lead with a crocodile-clip . To the disconnected - Earthing-conductor .
With theRed-lead . with plastic-cover with maximum cover . 2mm . ( Live-parts )

Brown - L1 - incoming Line to earth . value of 0.17. you’ll need to know the highest-value . you’ll testbetween all three-lines .
Black- L2 - 0.17
Gray - L3 - 0.17Ω . thereall consistent . so your value is - 0.17Ω .

Firstly :We must have Safe-Isolation . locking - OFF .
3 - thingsneeded . Lock-off that is appropriate forthe type off isolation . Padlock for locking-off . Sign - danger-do-not-switch-on.
Danger -400 Volts .
Warning -This is a Live-test .

Wheninsolating any-mains . ask permission . is it safe to do so .
Lock -off . placing the lock-off . padlock . cable-tie the Sign onto the padlock - danger-do-not-switch-on . You are the key-holder .

Is it Dead - With a approved-voltage-indicator
Test between. Earth to Line .
Testbetween . Earth and Neutral .
Testbetween . Neutral and Line .

With aknown device - proving-unit . With aapproved-voltage-indicator - all lightsare working .
Back to. With a approved-voltage-indicator . Test between . Earth and Line .

Ring-final-circuit-test- with all the cables disconnected .
Instrument-use. Low-résistance-ohm-meter . turn it on. and Null the leads . Re-cap . you leads have résistance 0.04 in them . which you do not want toinclude in your test . Zero the Leads .

Test each-conductor. End-to-end . ( Single-cables arethe same-size 2.5mm[SUP]2 [/SUP] ) not T&E .
Line-conductor(s) - 0.56 .
Neutral-conductor(s) - 0.55
Circuit-protective-conductor(s) - 0.57

Next :- Cross-connect the . Line and neutral-conductor - Connector-block .
Next :- Cross-connect the . Neutral and Line-conductor - Connector-block .

Dead /Testing . - your probes are 4mm . Not a Live-test . test between the two-ends off theconnector / blocks . ( Loop ) 0.27 you should be getting half the reading of one of these conductors . go toeach-socket-outlet . & test between each Line and Neutral at each socket .
You are .checking that it is a Ring. And no interconnections . from a socket-out-let - Line/ Neutral - 0.31 . ( Plus - Polarity) by continuity - method

You havecheck the . Line and Neutral at each-socket=outlet .
You doingthe same test . between the Line and Earth . & at each-socket-outlet .

Next :- Cross-connect the . Line(s) and Earth(s) - Connector-block . 0.27 . all you socket-outlets have beentested . your at the last-one - reading between .05 & the originalreading of 0.27 . - your reading is 0.29


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