The Regulations . have stated the facts : BS-7671:2008:2011: :icon_bs:
Guidance-Note -3 . Offers Guidance : in any ofyour Exams . GN-3 & Regulation are the two most important Books .
Q/As . Right in front of our-Eyes
-&-s will ask you Q/As , Regulations & Guidance-Note 3 . 2011: Break it down you have the Answers .
Notes :
6 .The maximum prospective value of fault current ( Ipf ) recorded should bethe greater of either the prospective value of short-circuit current or theprospective value of earth fault current. ( -&-s ) Q/As
612.11. Prospective fault current
The prospective-short-circuit-current & prospective-earth-fault-current shall be measured . calculated or determined by another-method . at the origin and other relevant-points in theinstallation
( EIC ) Prospective fault current, Ipf (2) ........kA
( Note1) by enquiry,
( Note:(2) byenquiry or by measurement ) 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequate testing equipment.
Externalloop impedance, Ze (2) ........ Ω . 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequate testing equipment.
Rated-residual-operating-current IΔn = .......... mA, and operating time of .......ms (at IΔn) . 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequatetesting equipment.
(applicableonly where an RCD is suitable and is used as a main circuit-breaker)
(i) . The Electrical Installation Certificaterequired by Part 6 should be made out and signed or otherwise authenticated bya competent person or persons in respect of the design,construction, inspection and testing of the work.
(iv). Competent persons will, as appropriateto their function under (i) above, have a sound knowledge andexperience relevant to the nature of the work undertaken and to the technicalstandards set down in these Regulations, be fullyversed in the inspection and testing procedures contained in these Regulationsand employ adequate testing equipment.
This forum can only offer some Guidance’s .
Reminder : 2392-10 & 2394 . :mad2:
BS-7671:2008:2011: all parties must rely upon their own , skill & judgement when making use of it .
Guidance-Note -3 : all parties must rely upon their own , skill & judgement when making use of it .
Guidance-Note -3 . Offers Guidance : in any ofyour Exams . GN-3 & Regulation are the two most important Books .
Q/As . Right in front of our-Eyes
-&-s will ask you Q/As , Regulations & Guidance-Note 3 . 2011: Break it down you have the Answers .
Notes :
6 .The maximum prospective value of fault current ( Ipf ) recorded should bethe greater of either the prospective value of short-circuit current or theprospective value of earth fault current. ( -&-s ) Q/As
612.11. Prospective fault current
The prospective-short-circuit-current & prospective-earth-fault-current shall be measured . calculated or determined by another-method . at the origin and other relevant-points in theinstallation
( EIC ) Prospective fault current, Ipf (2) ........kA
( Note1) by enquiry,
( Note:(2) byenquiry or by measurement ) 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequate testing equipment.
Externalloop impedance, Ze (2) ........ Ω . 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequate testing equipment.
Rated-residual-operating-current IΔn = .......... mA, and operating time of .......ms (at IΔn) . 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequatetesting equipment.
(applicableonly where an RCD is suitable and is used as a main circuit-breaker)
(i) . The Electrical Installation Certificaterequired by Part 6 should be made out and signed or otherwise authenticated bya competent person or persons in respect of the design,construction, inspection and testing of the work.
(iv). Competent persons will, as appropriateto their function under (i) above, have a sound knowledge andexperience relevant to the nature of the work undertaken and to the technicalstandards set down in these Regulations, be fullyversed in the inspection and testing procedures contained in these Regulationsand employ adequate testing equipment.
This forum can only offer some Guidance’s .
Reminder : 2392-10 & 2394 . :mad2:
BS-7671:2008:2011: all parties must rely upon their own , skill & judgement when making use of it .
Guidance-Note -3 : all parties must rely upon their own , skill & judgement when making use of it .