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Re-take - Useful Information for 2394 :

The Regulations . have stated the facts : BS-7671:2008:2011: :icon_bs:
Guidance-Note -3 . Offers Guidance : in any ofyour Exams . GN-3 & Regulation are the two most important Books .

Q/As . Right in front of our-Eyes

-&-s will ask you Q/As , Regulations & Guidance-Note 3 . 2011: Break it down you have the Answers .

Notes :

6 .The maximum prospective value of fault current ( Ipf ) recorded should bethe greater of either the prospective value of short-circuit current or theprospective value of earth fault current. ( -&-s ) Q/As

612.11. Prospective fault current
The prospective-short-circuit-current & prospective-earth-fault-current shall be measured . calculated or determined by another-method . at the origin and other relevant-points in theinstallation

( EIC ) Prospective fault current, Ipf (2) ........kA
( Note:(1) by enquiry,
( Note:(2) byenquiry or by measurement ) 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequate testing equipment.

Externalloop impedance, Ze (2) ........ Ω . 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequate testing equipment.

Rated-residual-operating-current IΔn = .......... mA, and operating time of .......ms (at IΔn) . 2392-10 . By - measurement ….. Employ adequatetesting equipment.
(applicableonly where an RCD is suitable and is used as a main circuit-breaker)

(i) . The Electrical Installation Certificaterequired by Part 6 should be made out and signed or otherwise authenticated bya competent person or persons in respect of the design,construction, inspection and testing of the work.

(iv). Competent persons will, as appropriateto their function under (i) above, have a sound knowledge andexperience relevant to the nature of the work undertaken and to the technicalstandards set down in these Regulations, be fullyversed in the inspection and testing procedures contained in these Regulationsand employ adequate testing equipment.

This forum can only offer some Guidance’s .

Reminder : 2392-10 & 2394 . :mad2:
BS-7671:2008:2011: all parties must rely upon their own , skill & judgement when making use of it .
Guidance-Note -3 : all parties must rely upon their own , skill & judgement when making use of it .

The Regulations . have stated thefacts : BS-7671:2008:2011:
Guidance-Note -3 . Offers Guidance : in any of your Exams . GN-3 & Regulation are the two most important Books .

-&-s will ask you Q/As , Regulations & Guidance-Note 3 . 2011: Break it down you have the Answers .

ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE p/392 . [ make it work for You ] :icon_bs:

1 . The Electrical Installation Certificate is to be used only forthe initial certification of a new installation or for an addition oralteration to an existing installation where new circuits have been introduced.

Re-cap : Used Only
Initial-certification ofa New-installation ( -&-s ) Q/As
Addition to an existing installation
Alteration to an existing installation
The Regulations BS-7671:2008:2011: have stated the facts

It is not to be used for a PeriodicInspection, for which an Electrical Installation Condition Report form shouldbe used. For an addition or alteration which does not extend to theintroduction of new circuits , a Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate may be used

Re-cap : It is not to be used for Periodic Inspection ( -&-s ) Q/As
ElectricalInstallation Condition Report ( EICR )
Addition whichdoes not extend to the introduction of New circuits
Alteration which does not extend to the introduction of New circuits

The “ Original ” Certificate is to be given tothe personordering the work ( Regulation632.1 ). A duplicate should be retained by the contractor. ( -&-s ) Q/As

2. This Certificate is only valid if accompanied by the Schedule of Inspections andthe Schedule(s) of Test Results. ( EIC) ( -&-s ) Q/As

3. The signatures appended are those of the persons authorized by the companiesexecuting the work of design, construction, inspection and testingrespectively. A signatory authorized to certify more than one category of workshould sign in each of the appropriate places.

4. The time interval recommended before the first periodic inspection must beinserted ( see IET Guidance Note 3 forguidance ).

5. The page numbers for each of the Schedules of Test Results should beindicated, together with the total number of sheets involved.

6. The maximum prospective value of fault current ( Ipf ) recorded should be the greater of either the prospectivevalue of short-circuit current or the prospective value of earth fault current. ( -&-s ) Q/As

7. The proposed date for the next inspection should take into consideration thefrequency and quality of maintenance that the installation can reasonably beexpected to receive during its intended life, and the period should be agreedbetween the designer, installer and other relevant parties.


This Safety Certificate has been issuedto confirm that the electrical installation work to which it relates has beendesigned, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with British Standard7671 (the IET Wiring Regulations). You should have received an “original” Certificate andthe contractor should have retained a duplicate. If you were the personordering the work, but not the owner of the installation, you should pass thisCertificate, or a full copy of it including the schedules, immediately to theowner. The " Original " Certificate should be retained in a safe placeand be shown to any person inspecting or undertaking further work on theelectrical installation in the future. If you later vacate the property, thisCertificate will demonstrate to the new owner that the electrical installationcomplied with the requirements of British Standard 7671 at the time theCertificate was issued. The Construction ( Design and Management ) Regulations requirethat, for a project covered by those Regulations, a copy of this Certificate,together with schedules, is included in the project health and safetydocumentation. For safety reasons, the electrical installation willneed to be inspected at appropriate intervals by a competent person. The maximumtime interval recommended before the next inspection is stated on Page 1 under " NEXT INSPECTION " . (EIC ) p/392 ( -&-s ) Q/As . [ Answering Exam Questions ]

ThisCertificate is intended to be issued only for a Newelectrical installation or for new work associated with an addition or alteration to an existing installation. It should not have been issuedfor the inspection of an existing electrical installation .

Reminder. An " Electrical Installation ConditionReport " should be issued for such an inspection. Existing electrical installation ◄► ( -&-s ) Q/As

- - - Updated - - -


This Safety Certificate has been issuedto confirm that the electrical installation work to which it relates has beendesigned, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with British Standard7671 (the IET Wiring Regulations). You should have received an “original” Certificate andthe contractor should have retained a duplicate. If you were the personordering the work, but not the owner of the installation, you should pass thisCertificate, or a full copy of it including the schedules, immediately to theowner. The " Original " Certificate should be retained in a safe placeand be shown to any person inspecting or undertaking further work on theelectrical installation in the future. If you later vacate the property, thisCertificate will demonstrate to the new owner that the electrical installationcomplied with the requirements of British Standard 7671 at the time theCertificate was issued. The Construction ( Design and Management ) Regulations requirethat, for a project covered by those Regulations, a copy of this Certificate,together with schedules, is included in the project health and safetydocumentation. For safety reasons, the electrical installation willneed to be inspected at appropriate intervals by a competent person. The maximumtime interval recommended before the next inspection is stated on Page 1 under " NEXT INSPECTION " . (EIC ) p/392 ( -&-s ) Q/As . [ Answering Exam Questions ]

ThisCertificate is intended to be issued only for a Newelectrical installation or for new work associated with an addition or alteration to an existing installation. It should not have been issuedfor the inspection of an existing electrical installation .

Reminder. An " Electrical Installation ConditionReport " should be issued for such an inspection. Existing electrical installation ◄► ( -&-s ) Q/As

This Safety Certificate has been issuedto confirm that the electrical installation work to which it relates has beendesigned, constructed, inspected and tested in accordance with British Standard7671 (the IET Wiring Regulations).

- - - Updated - - -

You should have received an “ original ” Certificateand the contractor should have retained a duplicate. If you were the personordering the work, but not the owner of the installation, you should pass thisCertificate, or a full copy of it including the schedules, immediately to theowner.

- - - Updated - - -

The " Original " Certificate should be retained in a safe placeand be shown to any person inspecting or undertaking further work on theelectrical installation in the future. If you later vacate the property, thisCertificate will demonstrate to the new owner that the electrical installationcomplied with the requirements of British Standard 7671 at the time theCertificate was issued. The Construction ( Design and Management ) Regulations requirethat, for a project covered by those Regulations, a copy of this Certificate,together with schedules, is included in the project health and safetydocumentation.

- - - Updated - - -

For safety reasons, the electrical installation willneed to be inspected at appropriate intervals by a competent person. The maximumtime interval recommended before the next inspection is stated on Page 1 under " NEXT INSPECTION " .
ThisCertificate is intended to be issued only for a Newelectrical installation or for new work associated with an addition or alteration to an existing installation. It should not have been issuedfor the inspection of an existing electrical installation .

Reminder. An " Electrical Installation ConditionReport " should be issued for such an inspection. Existing electrical installation ◄► ( -&-s ) Q/As

Sorry about that . it sometime scrabbles it

Useful- Junk . RCDs

Taken from 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 2005 . ◄

Tests are made on the load-side of the RCD between the Line-conductor of theprotected-circuit & the associated CPC . Any load or appliances should be disconnected prior to Testing .

RCD test-instruments require a few-milliamperes to operate . mA .
This is normally obtained from the Line & Neutral of the circuit-under-test . When testing a Three-phase RCD protecting a Three-wire-circuit . the instrument’s- neutral is required to be connected to Earth .

This means that the test-current will be increased by the instrument-supply-current & will cause some-devices to operate during the (50% - Test ) possibly indicating an incorrect-operating-time . Under this circumstances it is necessary to check the operating-parameters of the RCD with the Manufacture before failing the RCD .

RCD - Tester/instrument is an electronic-device which draws current from the supply for its Operation .

Three-wire / Three-phase-system . ( there is No-Neutral with the supply ) is being tested .
The tester must be connected to a Neutral-conductor to provide the power it need for Operation . Thus
Operating-current will flow through a Line-conductor and return through the Neutral . giving a basic-imbalance .

Testing RCDs

The RCD -instrument is connected to the device to be tested by plugging it into a suitable-outlet . 2392-10. this is all you require

Or - by connecting to the , Line & Neutral-conductor .

► We still have Test-instrument , with 2 - leads , & 3 - leads in use .
Re-cap : GN-3 .p/66

Requirements for Inspection & Testing .

Firstly : 3.8.1. Scope
The purpose of periodic-inspection andtesting is to provide an ( Engineering-view) on whether or not the installation is in a satisfactory-condition where it can continue to beused in a Safe-Way .

3.8.2. Process -Prior to carrying out Inspection & Testing

Prior to carrying out the Inspection , ( The Inspector ) will need to meet with the client or the client’s representative to outline the ( Scope) and nature of the work required and to highlight likely-items that require-isolation. refer GN-3
Periodic-Inspection Basic

All electrical-installation deteriorate with age & use . They should therefore be , Inspected & Tested at appropriate-intervals to check whether they in a satisfactory-condition for continued-service

As GN-3 , reminds us . Safety-Checks . referred to as , Periodic-Inspection & Testing .
How can Iavoid Accidents involving Underground-Services.

Health & Safety Executive’s publication . HSG - 47 . avoiding danger from Underground-Services.

Which can be downloaded free of charge . from the HSE website
[h=3]Avoidingdanger from underground services - HSG47 - HSE[/h]www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg47.htm

O.S.G. p/110 Table - A1

Fluorescent or Discharge lighting is involved.
A factor of ( 1.8 ) is used to take into consideration the associated-control-gear.

Scenario: 80W / 230V Fluorescent-fitting will have a current-rating of . 80 x 1.8 / 230 = 0.63A . 0626086956 - rounded up to 0.63A

O.S.G. p/110 Notes - 2 .
Final-circuits for Discharge lighting must be arranged so as to be capable of carrying the total-steady-current . viz that of the lamp(s) and any associated-controlgear and also their harmonic-currents .

Where more exact-information is not-available . the demand in volt-amperes is taken as the rate-lamp-watts , multiplied by not less than ( 1.8 )

This multiplier is based upon the assumption that the circuit is corrected to apower-factor of not less than ( 0.85 lagging ) and takes into account controlgear losses and harmonic-currents .


A Conduit is a tube or pipe , in which conductors are run . in effect . the Conduit replaces the PVC-sheathing of the cable .
Providing - mechanical-protection . for the insulated-conductors .

As the Regulations , remind us

Thereare three-types of Conduit.
Flexible- metal … ( High-electrical-resistance )
Non-metallic ( PVC )

Non-metallic ( PVC )
(PVC ) conduit is being increasingly used in place of metal-gauge-steel-conduit. more easily installed than steel-conduit & that it is Non-corrosive & unreactive with nearly all chemicals

Metal-Conduit: Corrosion-resistance in damp situations .

Some facts : Plastic-conduit . is made of an Insulating-material . [ it does not provide a means of earth-continuity ]

Galvanized: Protection from corrosion by a specified-coating of Zinc . Electro-galvanized-method .

Metal- “ Ferrous-metal “

□ Protection against Mechanical-Damage
The word ( Mechanical ) is somewhat misleading . in that most of us associate it with machinery of some sort .

16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 522-08-01. ◄
Conduit: Terminations and Junctions
Ends shall be free from Burrs . Terminations in equipment not fitted with spout-entries shall be treated to prevent-damage to the cables .
( A female-bush on the end of the conduit is a suitable-means of achieving this ) Conduit locking-nut Brass-bush female

16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 522-12-01. ◄
Long-straight-lengths of rigid-plastic-conduit must allow for ( Expansion and contraction ) slip-joints in plastic-conduit is a means of achieving this .

16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 527-02-01. ◄ Fire-barriers
Where conduit pass through floors . walls .partitions or roofs . the opening through such walls or floors . Etc shall be sealed to the same-degree of fire-résistance as that of the material through which it is passing .

16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 527-02-01. ◄ Fire-barriers
Where a wiring-system passes through elements of building-construction such as floors . walls . roofs .ceiling . partitions . cavity-barriers .the openings remaining after passage of the wiring-system shall besealed according to the degree of fire-résistance ( if any )

17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 527.2.1. ◄ Fire-barriers p/132
Where a wiring-system passes through elements of building-construction such as floors . walls . roofs .ceiling . partitions . cavity-barriers .the openings remaining after passage of the wiring-system shall besealed according to the degree of fire-résistance ( if any ) prescribed for the respective-element of building-construction before penetration .

16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 522-08 . ◄
Other mechanical stresses ( AJ )
522-08-01 .
A wiring-system shall be selected and erected so asto minimize during-installation . use and maintenance , damage to the ( Sheath and Insulation of cables and insulated-conductors and their-terminations )

527.2. Sealing of wiring system-penetrations

17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 527.2.1.
A wiring-system shall be selected and erected to avoid during-installations . use or maintenance . damage to the ( Sheath and Insulation of cables and their terminations ) Note here : The use of any lubricants that can have a detrimental-effect on the cable or wiring-system are not-permitted .

16[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 543-02-07
Where the protective-conductor isformed by metal-conduit . trunking or ducting or the metal-sheath and / or armour of a cable . the earthing-terminal ofeach-accessory shall be connected by a separate-protective-conductor to n earthing-terminal incorporated in the associated-box or other-enclosure .

17[SUP]th[/SUP] Edition . 543.2.7.
Where the protective-conductor isformed by metal-conduit . trunking or ducting or the metal-sheath and / or armour of a cable . the earthing-terminal ofeach-accessory shall be connected by a separate-protective-conductor to n earthing-terminal incorporated in the associated-box or other-enclosure .

Regulation - 543.2. Types of protective-conductors . ( Wording here is ) Types
543.2.1. ( vi ) Metal-conduit )

2011: JIB. Extracts . What is an Electrician
Qualification & Assessment procedures that have been developed by the Industry

THERE IS OFTEN confusion over what anelectrician is and what qualifications someone working on electrical systems shouldhave. However, the electrical industry has recognised formal qualificationsthat provide a clear qualification route for an electrician. Standards forelectrotechnical qualifications have been defined through industry consultationby government agencies for many years.

The industry expects alloperatives that are working unsupervised in the electrotechnical sector to bequalified to the industry-recognised NVQ level 3 qualification. The JointIndustry Board (JIB) recognises these standards in the ElectrotechnicalCertification Scheme

(ECS). To qualify for theECS card as an electrician, a relevant industry level 3 qualification (orrecognised equivalent for pre-NVQ) is required which includes the necessaryunderpinning knowledge and competency assessment. For all new entrants tobecome recognised as an electrician the Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electrotechnicalsystems and equipment (building structures and the environment) is required. Alternatively,it may be possible to meet the ECS card requirements with the level 3 NVQ inElectrotechnical Services ( ElectricalInstallation – Buildings & Structures ) with the necessary underpinningknowledge qualification ( or technical certificate ) at level 3 and the AM2assessment. Individuals who have some previous experience need an interviewwith an assessor to develop an individual assessment plan without the need togo back to college to train in the classroom.

This is in line with thenormal industry qualification requirements, and only focuses on the requiredpart of the assessment. The value of this is that the competence the individualhas already achieved is credited toward achieving the full industryqualification.

Qualifications such as the standalone17th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations, the Certificate in Fundamental Inspectionand the Certificate in the Certification of Electrical Installations ( inspection, testing and certification of electricalinstallations ) are designed as professional development for qualified electricians,and, as such, are unsuitable for unqualified personnel or new entrants into theindustry. On their own they do not demonstrate the industry-required qualificationand competence needed to be recognised as an electrician.

Any reference to Part P ofthe building regulations is for a company to comply with the legislativerequirement ( within Englandand Wales) and is not a general requirement for individually qualified electriciansemployed within the industry. Short ‘ PartP ’ training programmes are only for individuals who have been working withinthe industry for at least two years and wish to be registered as a QualifiedSupervisor for their company. These courses do not qualify individuals aselectricians because the training is focused on the requirements of theBuilding Regulations.

Operatives who are alreadyformally qualified to the NVQ Level 3 do not need to re-qualify if they are theproposed Qualified Supervisor for their company, but will need to demonstrate theirknowledge of the Building Regulations during their company’s Part - Passessment visit by the relevant

Competent Persons Schemeprovider. The future training requirements of the industry remain much the sameas they were when the electrical apprenticeship was first introduced.

Electricians still need agood grounding in electrical theory, which will provide the basis ofintegrating new and emerging technologies into electrical installations.

Electricians also continueto need a full working knowledge of the wiring regulations in order to ensurethat their work meets the required British Standards and is safe in itsoperation.

The JIB has supportedapprentice training from its inception in 1968 and some 160,000 installationelectricians have been trained under JIB Apprentice Training Schemes. Thisrepresents a tremendous achievement by the JIB and the electrical industry interms of the people who were trained, the companies who employed them and UK plcin terms of their real contribution to the economy over the years.

The best way to train newentrants into the electrical industry is through a formal industryapprenticeship, but formal industry apprenticeship, but there are alsoopportunities for people to prove their competence through site assessment.

The JIB has a long historyof accrediting the formal qualifications held by professional electricians throughthe ECS card. Anyone who holds an ECS can easily demonstrate that he or she has met the requirements to truly becalled an electrician

Rewireablefuse (Cf) . PS still in the Regulations BS-2011: :icon_bs:

Those fusesreferred to as ‘rewirable fuses’ are correctly termed semi-enclosed fuses(complying with BS-3036) as they are partially enclosed within thefuse-carrier. Regulation - 533.1.1.3 of Amendment 1 of BS-7671:2008 states that a fuse shall preferablybe of the cartridge type ( but this does not preclude the use and installation of semi-enclosed fuses ).

The regulationstates that where a semi-enclosed fuse is selected, it shall be fitted with anelement in accordance with the manufacturer’sinstructions, if any. In the absence of such instructions, it shall be fittedwith a ( Single element of tinned copper wire of theappropriate diameter specified in Table 53.1. )

The size neededfor a conductor protected against overload by a BS-3036 semi-enclosed fuse can be obtained by theuse of a rating factor, ( 1.45 / 2 = 0.725) which results in the same degree of protectionas that afforded by other overload protective devices.

Circuit breaker(s)

Contacts with in the conventional time. This isdefined as ( One or Twohours ) ( 1.45In relates directly to circuit design ) in section 433 protection against overload-current , regulation - 433.1.1 States that:
“ the operating characteristics of a device protecting a conductor against overload shall satisfy the following conditions :

(i) the rated current or current setting of the protective device ( In ) is not less than the design current (Ib) of the circuit , &
(ii) the rated current or current setting of the protective device (In) does not exceed the lowest of the current-carrying-capacities (Iz) of any of the conductors of the circuit , &
(iii) the current (I2) causing effective operation of the protective device does not exceed 1.45 times the lowest current carrying capacities (Iz) of any of the conductors of the circuit. ”

The factor 1.45 ensures that deterioration of cables does not result from small overloads.

When a current of 1.45 times the current carrying capacity of the cable is interrupted within the conventional times , there is nosignificant deterioration in the working life of the cable.



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