On a new build property 2nd fixing ,customer has bought everything cable switches light fittings etc with my advise of cable and sockets ,non of this cheap crap cable ill tell you , came to fit a light fitting ceiling light 80 watt halogen with glass diffuser , so why did i refuse to install it well three wires with heat sleeve on it ,into a terminal block terminal block was to big to fit onto the ceiling with the base so the only way to do it was to drill a hole through , i dont think so !!, so looking at the manufacturers instructions all in pictures push cable through ceiling ,connect cable and wrap with insulation tape !!! again i dont think so , you had to run the cables round the fitting then through the ceiling which left you about an inch ,im not even sure these cables could be classed as double insulated ,they are heat resistant with a sleeve covering part of the cable ,spoke to an irate woman at the suppliers in my eyes and the eyes of the ECA they are not good , even with other fittings the terminal block is a disgrace 3 amp 4 terminal so you can get the loops in , i think not only big enough for 1 1.5 and the quility terminals break when you tighten them up ,think its about time the lighting manufacturers had a shake up ,got some pics some where will post them later