Currently having no end of issues with a NAPIT application.
For reference I absolutely have completed work/exams for:
C&G 2330 (which I've now been told is as good as worthless)
18th regs
EV charging (can't remember the c&g number)
2396 (awaiting certificate)
I have a valid ECS gold card, which I explicitly checked on the phone, prior to paying any money would be suitable proof of my eligibility for the scheme, I was assured it would be.
I've sent every certificate I have to NAPIT, which is every certificate I've ever actually received.
Upon completion of my apprenticeship I simply got a JIB completion certificate, never did I receive individual AM2 and NVQ certificates (though as far as I'm aware both are prerequisites to completion of the apprenticeship). It is possible the company I did my apprenticeship with simply never forwarded them to me, though they did the others.
I was just wondering if everyone else on a scheme did have all their certs or have experienced anything analogous? I have begun the process of getting searches done and being sent copy's from the relevant bodies, but it's going to be a good £150 and I'm already feeling wounded from paying Napit.
Currently having no end of issues with a NAPIT application.
For reference I absolutely have completed work/exams for:
C&G 2330 (which I've now been told is as good as worthless)
18th regs
EV charging (can't remember the c&g number)
2396 (awaiting certificate)
I have a valid ECS gold card, which I explicitly checked on the phone, prior to paying any money would be suitable proof of my eligibility for the scheme, I was assured it would be.
I've sent every certificate I have to NAPIT, which is every certificate I've ever actually received.
Upon completion of my apprenticeship I simply got a JIB completion certificate, never did I receive individual AM2 and NVQ certificates (though as far as I'm aware both are prerequisites to completion of the apprenticeship). It is possible the company I did my apprenticeship with simply never forwarded them to me, though they did the others.
I was just wondering if everyone else on a scheme did have all their certs or have experienced anything analogous? I have begun the process of getting searches done and being sent copy's from the relevant bodies, but it's going to be a good £150 and I'm already feeling wounded from paying Napit.
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