YesIs Lionel Blair still alive ?

YesIs Lionel Blair still alive ?
Unfortunately this was part of the No campaign...But to be fair the Yes side have their own idiots too....People who vote due to their religious beliefs and their bloody football colours are just knuckle draggers....the sad fact is we have to live with them. Good thing is most cant even read or write so could not put their X in the box with any accuracy. (Can you tell it bothers me ? )There's been a rally in Glasgow tonight to celebrate the no vote. It's been taken over by the Orange Order and various similar right wing groups. ---- salutes being flashed around. Violence in the streets surrounding the place.
Is this what the no campaign has become?
Kinda says it all dingleWhat news thread is this on not the bbc
Reply to the thread, titled "scotland again" which is posted in Electrician Talk Forum on Electricians Forums.