Why could it be the end of Cameron? Well, he's the man in charge so if it's a yes he's the one responsible for the break up of the union. If it's a no then he's the figurehead of the group who have promised Scotland more powers which are currently being plotted against by many back bench MPs so he's in a no win situation.
The upheaval had to happen sooner or later though, maybe the timing is unfortunate but it was always going to happen. Our European cousins are quietly ****ting themselves just now because of the ramifications of all this. Catalonia wants to split, as does the Basque territory. Venice wants independence from Italy.
I think that Hollande and the Spanish bloke are just joining in the No bandwagon "Vote yes and all sorts of bad things will happen to you"
"Such as"
"Economic ruin, higher prices, greater risk of terrorism"
"Oh yeah? Why's that then?"
"Erm......I'll get back to you"
The no campaign has concentrated, wrongly imo on the perils of a yes vote instead of stressing the benefits of Scotland staying in the union.
6 or 7 AM will tell what the way forward will look like.
Hollande will veto anything that could damage the more than generous deal under the CAP for his farmers.
Well Mr Hollande - the CAP is holding the EU back so you need to be flexible.